Learn about Agent Management so you can manage your endpoints, detect unprotected machines, and see different types of supported agents and their statuses in the "agent grid".
Agents Grid
Information Column: The Protected Computers and Unprotected Computers grids contain a column with this symboll: . This column provides information about computer types and informs about alerts that require attention from an admin.
The icon appears when an admin attempts to install a VIPRE agent that fails due to missing credentials. This icon is displayed in the Unprotected Computers grid under individual Windows policies or the Windows policies group.
When the icon is clicked, the admin can
- Click Take Action, which displays the credentials dialog to enter valid credentials for that machine, or
- Click Ignore, which clears the icon and no action is taken.
The icon also appears on the Protected Computers grid under individual Hyper-V policies, or on the Hyper-V policies group when an Active Protection installation fails for a Virtual Machine.
When the icon is clicked, the admin can
- Take Action, which retries the AP installation, or
- Ignore the alert, which clears the icon and no action is taken.
Computer Types
When there are no alerts, the information column also displays machine types. Under Windows policies or the Windows Policies group:
- This icon represents a workstation:
- This icon represents a laptop:
- This icon represents a server:
- Hyper-V hosts also live under Windows policies. Their denotation is a clickable letter “H” in the information column.
When clicked, the admin can create a Hyper-V installer package to install the Hyper-V agent on any host.
Under Hyper-V policies or the Hyper-V policy group
All computers on the protected and unprotected grids has a “VM” denotation in the information column if they do not have any other alerts associated with them. “VM” indicates a Hyper-V Virtual Machine.
Mac policies and policy group, iOS policies and policy group, and Android policies and policy group
These currently do not display any information in the information column.