Discover Unprotected Computers

Written By Cindy Johnson (Super Administrator)

Updated at June 15th, 2021

VIPRE Endpoint Security can automatically detect online computers that are reachable from the machine on which it is installed. These computers are listed under the Unprotected Computers tab of the selected security policy. From this tab, you are able to deploy agents on single or multiple computers, as well as assign policies to the new agent(s). Unprotected Computer Discovery settings for the site are managed from the Unprotected Computer Discovery screen in the Site Properties.

Configure Automatic Endpoint Discovery for the Site 

Set VIPRE to automatically perform computer discovery and configure how often VIPRE Site Service should look for new unprotected computers. Additionally, you could specify which domains should be searched.

  1. In Site Properties, open the Unprotected Computer Discovery screen
  2. Configure the following:
    • Enable Endpoint Discovery: If disabled, VIPRE Site Service won't look for unprotected computers for this site; in this case, if there are not any unprotected computers then the Unprotected Computers tab won't be shown
      • How often should we look for new unprotected computers: select how often the search is performed
      • Select domain(s) to be searched: select domain(s) which need to be searched
      • Authenticate with unprotected computers using saved credentials: This option is enabled by default and allows you to deploy a VIPRE agent with a single-click if using the push installation method; we also use this to display the computer type, OS, and the logged-in user on the Unprotected Computers tab
        • Important: When saved credentials are used to authenticate with unprotected computers, you could see an increase in LDAP traffic and DCOM errors in your event logs. You should disable this option if your organization restricts this type of network activity.
  1. Click Apply to accept changes