Working with Policies

Written By Cindy Johnson (Super Administrator)

Updated at May 30th, 2020

A policy contains all settings and configurations for agents assigned to it. You can copy, export, or import a policy, as well as move agents from one policy to another.

You create and configure your policies based on existing policies. New policies are based on either the Default policy or another pre-existing policy. All policy settings are "copied" over EXCEPT for Installation Management > Computers.

Add a Policy 

To create a new policy:

  1. Click the Add Policy icon 
  2. In the New Policy dialog box, enter an alphanumeric name for the new policy
  3. Choose a policy to inherit settings from:
    Create a policy
    • Existing Policy: the listed options will be the "Default" policy and any policy that exists under the site you are creating a policy from
  4. Click OK. Your new policy is created with settings inherent from the selected policy in Step 3 above, and displays in the Site Navigator

Copy a Policy 

To copy a policy:

  1. From the Site Navigator, right-click on a policy and select Copy Policy
  2. Enter an alphanumeric name for the new policy. The maximum length for a policy name is 255 characters
  3. Click OK. A policy based on the policy you selected is created and is displayed in the Site Navigator

Now, you can edit/configure this policy and add agents to it for Agent Installation.

Export a policy 

To export a policy:

  1. From the Site Navigator, right-click on a policy and select Export Policy
  2. Choose a location and enter a filename for the xml-based policy file. The maximum length for a policy name is 255 characters
  3. Click Save. A copy of the policy you selected is saved to the chosen location. Now, this policy can be imported from any console

Import a policy 

To import a policy:

  1. From the Site Navigator, right-click on a site and select Import Policy
  2. Locate and Open the xml-based policy file from a saved location. The policy is imported to the site and displays in the Site Navigator
  3. You can right-click on the imported policy and rename it

Now, you can further edit/configure this policy and add agents to it for Agent Installation.

Move agents between policies 

To move agents from one policy to another:

  1. In the policy's Agent catalog, select the Agent(s)
  2. Right-click and select Reassign Agent to Policy. The Reassigning Agent(s) dialog box displays
  3. Select the policy you want to move the agents to and click OK. They are moved immediately to the new policy

Copy Settings from [Policy Name] dialog box 

The Copy Settings from [Policy Name] dialog box is used to copy selected settings to one or more policies at a time. Once you click OK, the selected settings are immediately applied to the policy or policies that you select

This dialog box is accessible from the Copy to button on the Policy Editor. When clicking Copy to, the related checkboxes will be selected based on the page that you launch this dialog from.

  • All Policy settings, EXCEPT for the Deployment Scopes, can be copied from one policy to another
  • Copying settings from one policy to the other will overwrite the target policy. For example, copying exceptions list from policy "A" to "B" will overwrite "B"

The dialog box contains the following items:


The Settings area displays a tree structure of all policy settings. You can check or uncheck any listed item.


Select one or more policies from the Policies box. Once you click OK, the settings in the Policy sections are applied to the selected policies immediately.