Frequently Asked Questions for WLVPN

Written By Marissa Fegan (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 27th, 2024

How do I create users?

After you login to your dashboard the option to “Add a new user” is the first option you see. For test purposes we recommend you create test users under the Demo account group. You will not be charged for the first 100 Demo accounts you create (unless your contract states otherwise). 

The process of creating users can be automated using the Reseller API. You would use this when offering signup for customers using your website or in-app purchase. Although you can use an email address as a username, you may prefer to use a random string or some string that is generated by your signup processes so as not to contain personal information. 

Remember, once the user is created, for the app to login you will need to call the Client API using credentials in the form username@auth_suffix, where username is the name as entered in the Dashboard and auth_suffix is specific to you and was provided when you signed up. 

For example, pdb1001@yourcompany. The password would be the same as entered into the Dashboard.

How do I close test users?

We also recommend regular housekeeping to close demo or test accounts that you are no longer using, to avoid being charged. To do this, click on the user in your dashboard and set the status to Closed. Again, this can also be achieved through the Reseller API.

Can I offer a free trial?

If your contract allows for it, you can create free trial users, created in the Custom account group. The contract will specify the maximum duration of a trial. If the trial period expires without the user entering a trial subscription, you should close or suspend the user via the Dashboard or the Reseller API to avoid charges. If a user converts from trial to paid, you should move them into the Unlimited account group.

Can I throttle or otherwise limit a user’s usage?

You can use the Reseller API to check on a user’s usage and then impose a bandwidth limit on that user (in bytes/sec). This will limit that user’s connection to that speed until you remove the limitation. Note that this method does not currently work with the WireGuard protocol.

Alternatively, you can temporarily suspend a user’s account and re-open it after a period of your choice.

Can I offer credential-less login?

If you allow in-app signup then you could use the API to create a user account that does not require the user to ever enter or know their username or password. Such an account would be tied to that device only using a device specific ID or a UUID that you create and store within the local keychain together with a generated password. Bear in mind, however, that such credentials could be lost if the app has to be re-installed or added to a different device.

What protocols are supported?

VPN protocols supported by our SDKs are WireGuard, OpenVPN and IKEv2.

What are the current SDK versions?

The current versions of our SDKs can be found in the documentation for our sample ConsumerVPN apps. Please see: 

If you are currently using earlier SDK versions than documented there, we recommend upgrading your apps to use these latest versions. Please contact support@wlvpn.com to ask for access to the latest versions.

Is there support for developing a browser extension?

We do not currently have any SDK or sample code for browser extensions.

Is there an SDK for Linux?

We do not currently provide a Linux SDK.