Web Add-in: Data Loss Prevention

Written By Marissa Fegan (Super Administrator)

Updated at September 27th, 2022

Table of Contents

VIPRE SafeSend can prevent sensitive information from being sent out to the wrong client. DLP (Data Loss Prevention) scans emails and attachments for specific client keywords or regular expressions, then requires user confirmation before the email is sent.   

There are three important features associated with DLP:

  • Client Keyword/Domain Scanning allows you to identify a set of client keywords or regular expressions and associate those with a set of client domains or individual email addresses
  • DLP Content Scanning presents sensitive content to the user, allowing the user to determine if the email should be blocked or sent with additional confirmation
  • DLP Scan Password-Protected Attachments allows SafeSend to detect password-protected .zip files and prompt the user to add the password and decrypt the file so it can scan the attachment
  • MIP Sensitivity Label Detection allows SafeSend to search attachments for these sensitivity labels to require additional verification

To enable Data Loss Prevention:

  1. Open the file settings.json by right-clicking on the file to open it with Notepad or any other desired text/code editor
  2. Under the Data Loss Prevention (DLP) section header, you will see each associated setting (ClientKeywordDomainList, ContentScanningRules) as well as a description, options for that setting, and syntax
    • All settings will be in their default disabled state until enabled
  3. To enable ClientKeywordDomainList:
    1. Uncomment by removing the // at the beginning of the line
    2. Use the syntax and examples provided in the settings.json file to configure the setting based on your needs
  4. To enable ContentScanningRules:
    1. Uncomment by removing the // at the beginning of the line
    2. Use the syntax and examples provided in the settings.json file to configure the setting based on your needs
  5. To enable DLPScanPasswordProtectedAttachments, allowing DLP to scan password-protected .zip files:
    1. Under the Advanced header, look for  // "DlpScanPasswordProtectedAttachments": true,
    2. Uncomment by removing the // at the beginning of the line and ensure it's set to true 
  6. Save and close the window when done



Any changes made to Settings.json require the website to be restarted to take effect. This should be done outside of normal operating hours to avoid potential service interruptions.