
Written By Marissa Fegan (Super Administrator)

Updated at May 29th, 2020

How non-payment affects your VIPRE Site Manager product use.

How we handle non-payment

If we do not receive your monthly payment on the due date

  • 15 days after non-payment - You will receive an automated notification within Site Manager.  Your Site Manager screens will display a banner indicating a notification of overdue payment, with a link to the VIPRE purchase page to reinstate your product subscription.
  • 30 days after non-payment -  Your login to VIPRE Site Manager will be disabled (your client endpoints will still be protected)
  • 90 days after non-payment -  Your VIPRE account will be canceled. All tenant sites and your VIPRE Site Manager platform will be deleted

Contact your Account Manager if you have any questions on non-payment or billing terms.

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