You may have already provided your mail server address during the purchase process. If not, you can check or update your mail server address by following these steps.
Add a Mail Server IP Address or Domain
As a reminder, this is the destination mail server IP address where you want email to be delivered. VIPRE needs this address in order to deliver mail to your server.
- From the Customer Dashboard, expand the Service Settings menu
- Select Inbound Routing.
- Select Add Site, at the bottom of the page
- A box will open called Site Information; enter a description for the mail server you are configuring, e.g. “Hosted Server” or “Clearwater Office”
- Select the Default Site checkbox if this entry is going to be the primary delivery point
- Click the plus sign (+) to enter the mail server IP address (preferred) or customer domain
- Confirm the Port and Priority are correct and select the blue checkmark to confirm
- When done, select Save
Edit an Existing Mail Server Address
- From the Customer Dashboard, expand the Service Settings menu
- Select Inbound Routing
- You'll see a list of all mail servers currently set up and you can verify the IP address or domain, port, and priority
- You'll see a list of all mail servers currently set up and you can verify the IP address or domain, port, and priority
- If you need to make any changes:
- Click the pencil/edit icon
- The Site Information box will appear
- Select the pencil/edit icon again to make changes, or...
- Select the trashcan icon to delete the existing mail server, then...
- Click the plus sign + to add a new mail server
- Click Save