Configure Encryption

Written By Marissa Fegan (Super Administrator)

Updated at August 6th, 2024

VIPRE Email Security Encryption enables your system administrators to encrypt emails automatically.

Encryption Settings

To get to the Encryption settings:

  1. Click on Service Settings
  2. Select Encryption


  • General - This is enabled by default; click the checkbox to disable or reenable the encryption of replies sent from the encryption portal
  • Policy Description- All of the following policies are disabled by default; includes four pre-defined policies that will trigger encryption under the following circumstances:
    • The email body contains any of the following information:
      • Credit card number
      • US Social Security Number
      • Canadian Social Insurance Number
      • Danish Personal Number
      • Swedish Personal Number
      • Norwegian Personal Number
    • The sensitivity of an Outlook email is sent to confidential
    • The subject line of an email is pre-pended with "[encrypt]" (not case-sensitive)
    • An outgoing email sent to a self-created list of addresses or domains
      • To add email addresses or domains for outgoing encryption, enter the address in the text field and select the   plus sign

Click Save at the bottom to commit all changes.


You can create additional custom policies:

1. Click on Policies then Advanced Policies

2. Select For Outbound Mail

3. Click Create Policy in the top right corner

4. Under Settings, name your policy

5. Under Rules, add your desired rules

6. Under Actions, select Encryption [STOP] and click Add

7. Click Create Policy 


The Branding tab allows you to add your organization's identity to outgoing Encryption notifications. 

  • Logo Settings- Upload your organization's custom logo by clicking the blue plus sign; supported file types are .jpg and .png, and the maximum file size is 200KB
    • You can also remove your logo by placing a checkmark next to Remove Image
  • Email Subject - By default, emails that start with the subject line "[Encrypt]" will be encrypted automatically
  • Email Header - Customize text included after the Sender's email address
  • Email Text -  Customize any text you want to add to the email body below the Email Button
  • Email Button Link Text - Customize the text of the button
  • Email Button Colour - Customize the color of the aforementioned button


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