Ignore Files that are not Threats

Written By Marissa Fegan (Super Administrator)

Updated at June 5th, 2020

Sometimes it's necessary to tell VIPRE to ignore specific files or folders. Some files may seem malicious but are not, such as other security utilities, or proprietary or specialized apps. If you are certain that files or entire folders are not malicious in nature, you can tell VIPRE to ignore them.

Why should VIPRE ignore certain files?

When an item is ignored, it will no longer be detected by VIPRE -- even if scans or Active Protection would normally flag it as a threat.

Additionally, some resource-intensive software, such as database or server software, might behave erratically under antivirus protection. You can tell VIPRE to ignore applications and their data to resolve any incompatibility issues.

The Ignored Files list is a comprehensive list of items that you have told VIPRE to ignore, either manually or while reviewing scan results or threat alerts. Ignored items are sometimes known as exclusions because they’re excluded from VIPRE's protection.

All ignored items are shown in the Ignored Files list. You can review this list at any time to remove items no longer needed or to add new items.

To show the Ignored Files list

There are a few ways to display the Ignored Files list. Perform one of the following

  • Click Quick Menu (gear icon) > Ignored Files
  • Open Preferences and click Ignored
  • Use the keyboard shortcut (⌘3)

To ignore items from a Scan Report after a manual scan

Note: If VIPRE automatically sends a file to quarantine during a scan (such as a scheduled scan) you must add the file to the Ignored Files list from quarantine instead.

  1. When a scan detects threats VIPRE will display a Scan Report
  2. For each item you wish to ignore choose Always Ignore

To ignore items from a Threat Intercepted alert

Note: If VIPRE automatically sends a file to quarantine during a threat intercepted event (depending on your protection preferences), you must add the file to the Ignored Files list from quarantine instead.

  1. When VIPRE detects threats it will display a Threat Intercepted alert asking you what to do
  2. For each item you wish to Ignore choose Always Ignore

If you have adjusted the Protection settings (Preferences > Protection), Active Protection might not display an alert. In this case, any threats are handled automatically. See how to manage Active Protection.

To manually ignore a file or folder

You can also choose to manually ignore items in advance of VIPRE potentially detecting them as a threat.

  1. Navigate to the Ignored List. Click Quick Menu (gear icon) > Ignored
  2. Click + to add an item
  3. Use Finder to locate the application, file, or folder you wish to ignore
  4. Click Open

You can also drag applications, files, or folders directly into the ignored list.