Reference Guide: System Alert Settings

Configuring your archive's system alert settings.

Written By Marissa Fegan (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 6th, 2023

Table of Contents

System Alert Settings allows Administrators to configure a range of system-wide settings that affect the number and types of alerts that the system will generate. All the alerts are recorded in a database and can be reviewed under Monitor & Reports > System Alert History.

Field Description
Error Mails Per Day Number of emails showing error traces that can be sent per day.
Error Check Period Number of days after which error reminder emails will be sent.
Error Messages Limit Minimum number of messages in error, after which error reminder mails will be sent.
Error Trace Lines Number of lines of traced to be included in the error reminder mails. This setting limits the quantity of information to a small but reasonable amount.
Send Respool Error Alert

Specifies whether or not an error alert should be sent when a message goes into respool.

If VIPRE Email Archiving encounters an error while processing an email, it will be requeued (into the respool directory) for reprocessing later. Sometimes problems are transitional (like LDAP or Connectivity issues) – and reprocessing will be required. After 3 attempts to process an email, if it still has a problem, then it will be sent to the Error queue, when an alert may be sent.

Note: By default, if this option is not set, no alert will be raised for mail that is being re-queued for re-processing.

Send Start Stop Notification Specifies whether or not a notification should be sent whenever VIPRE Email Archiving is started and / or stopped. If this is not appropriate (say, when VIPRE Email Archiving is stopped as part of a daily backup), then unset this option.
Send Daily Message Processing Specifies whether or not daily message processing report is needed. Every night (at midnight) a summary of that day’s processing will be sent to the Alert recipient(s). If this is not appropriate, then you can turn off this feature with this option.
Daily report format

Format type of the daily report. The available options are:
Long - A single column list of the number of emails processed each hour. Short - A small table consisting of 6 lines and 4 columns of the number of emails processed each hour.
None - This hour summary turned off. It also includes the number of unique senders, data storage, and other useful reporting metrics.

Send Monthly Usage Summary Report Specifies whether or not the monthly usage summary report should be sent.
Notifier Severity Specifies the severity of notifications for which alerts should be sent. It is recommended to enable all these severity types.
Alert Support Contact Email address and the display name to be included in the body of the alert emails.
Sender Address Email address from which forward, password reminder, user account creation, user password reset emails should be sent, and the display name for these emails.
Audit From Email address and the display name which should be used for auditing. Display Name is an optional field.
Alert From Email address and the display name from which alert emails should be sent. Display Name is an optional field.
Alert To

Email address(es) to which alert emails should be sent.

System-wide SMTP Mailserver

Field Description
MailServer Address SMTP address to be used for sending notifications, typically your main email server. All outbound email from VIPRE Email Archiving will be delivered here. This setting is also available in the Configuration > Outbound Email and Alerts section.
SMTP Connection Type SMTP connection type and the port number to be used for sending notifications.
Authorization Required Specifies whether or not authorization is required for the SMTP server.
Username Username for the SMTP authorization.
Password Password for the SMTP authorization.