VIPRE Email Archiving Overview

Powerful, fast, and secure email archiving

Written By Marissa Fegan (Super Administrator)

Updated at June 14th, 2023

VIPRE Email Archiving captures and seamlessly stores every incoming, outgoing, or internal email. Based on highly scalable, redundant, geographically dispersed cloud infrastructure, the solution provides highly secure and audited access to prevent stored messages from being maliciously or unwittingly altered.

VIPRE Email Archiving provides powerful search and collaboration features, greatly improving end-user productivity. The solution also ensures email continuity even if your email service is disrupted.


Features Benefits
End User Search (Microsoft Outlook add-in) Provides powerful search features and ensures email continuity, even if your email service is disrupted
Advanced Search Builder Allows users to quickly and efficiently construct sophisticated queries, streamlining the search process and therefore saving time
Spaces (Real-time Collaboration Folders) Provides a number of advantages that greatly improve the workflow when conducting searches and collaborating with other users on the same project


Why choose VIPRE Email Archiving?

VIPRE Email Archiving is designed to meet compliance needs, improve productivity, and enable employees to efficiently and quickly search and retrieve information.

  • Subject Access Requests & Compliance
    • VIPRE Email Archiving enables organizations to quickly and efficiently respond to internal and external requests for email data. Subject Access Requests granted by laws such as the CCPA, GDPR are one type of compliance request that VIPRE Email Archiving supports. These requests often have to be actioned within short timelines, and in most cases, the data needs to be reviewed by multiple users.
  • Legal investigations requiring a legal hold on data
    • VIPRE Email Archiving enables users to request a set of email data to be locked in a state that ignores retention periods and delete requests. Legal Holds are typically used in situations where email correspondence is required as evidence or is part of a legal case.
  • Managing increasing mail volumes
    • Managing increasing email volumes is a challenge not only for those with on-premise hardware but also for organizations doubling up on mailbox storage using core email services (MS 365, Google). VIPRE Email Archiving provides a simple and effective way to manage ever-increasing mail volumes whilst also providing a secure solution for moving the archive to the cloud.

Visit our main website if you would like to watch an On-Demand Webinar or schedule a demo of VIPRE Email Archiving.