Navigate VIPRE Cloud

Written By Marissa Fegan (Super Administrator)

Updated at May 20th, 2020

A visual guide to key areas of the VIPRE Cloud UI, with navigation tips and tricks.

Interact with VIPRE Cloud

The VIPRE Cloud user interface was designed to be easy to use and simple to understand. This article serves as a quick reference for new users, as well as a collection of tips and tricks to help make your threat exploration experience as smooth as possible.

General Navigation

Hover data
Hovering over data points on a chart or graph will often reveal quick information at a glance.
Drilling into data
You can often select graphical data items to drill into or explore a data set.
Select a point on a timeline ...
... to run a custom threat report with that specific data.
Expand rows for additional information
For information displayed in a table, selecting  the row will usually expand it to show additional information and shortcut actions.Selecting multiple rows enables you to perform quick comparisons of key information.
Expand rows for quick shortcuts
Expand a row by selecting it to show common shortcut actions, like kicking off a scan, or viewing a device's full profile.
Perform actions on multiple items
Select multiple items, then choose an action to act on all selected items at once.
Select quick dates or custom date ranges
Select the From or To date ranges to adjust the range of data using handy date shortcuts, or select a custom range to display.
Timeline active filter shortcuts
When you select an event bar in a timeline, the data changes to show relevant information.
Multiple item filter selection
On some screens you may select multiple  items to create a multi-layered filter for the on-screen results.In this example, we have selected a specific timeline as well as three additional devices, to hone in on a specific issue.Select the x on a filter item to remove it, or select reset to clear them all.
Display additional options
To make the display tidier, some options only show when their parent option is enabled.Selecting an option to enable it may present additional sub-options.
Pop-over windows
Some selectable items (buttons, links, icons) display a pop-over window. This is used to present additional information about an item, or to display a form. 
On-screen notifications
Some actions or events will trigger an on- screen notification in the top right of the display. 

Green notifications indicate an action has begun, such as when you request a device update its definitions.

Blue notifications indicate information has been updated, such as when the Dashboard refreshes.

Red notifications indicate a critical event or system error.

Quick View vs Quick Edit
In general, selecting an item's name views the  item, while selecting the pencil next to an item edits the item.


Add Another
When adding multiple items (such as exclusions), check add another to enable continuous input.
(•••) hidden actions 
Sometimes available actions will be condensed  to save space.

Select a (•••) to display an item's other actions. This particular example appears in Policies > Firewall > Application Rules.

⊕ / ⊖ selectors
Some custom lists (such as firewall ports) allow  you to add/remove items.Enter text and select ⊕ to add it to the list, or choose an existing item in the list and select ⊖ to remove it.
▲ / ▼ sorters
Some items can be moved up and down in a list to change their priority.
Select either ▲ or ▼ next to an item to change its priority.


Total vs. Unique threats
On the Dashboard Threat Trend section, you can select  the toggle switch to change between viewing Total detections (counting all instances of threats found) and Unique threats (only counting a threat's first detection).
Threat Trend report links 
Selecting a Green point on the trend will open  a Scan Report for that period.Selecting an Orange point will open a custom Threat Detection Report for that period. 
License summary shortcut
On the Dashboard, selecting the license info box  displays your License Summary Report.

Scan Report

Report -Details
On a Scan Report, expand a row and select scan details to display even more information.