Guided Setup of HR & Compliance Training

Written By Marissa Fegan (Super Administrator)

Updated at February 7th, 2023

This guide provides instructions for configuring the iLMS to deploy Harassment Prevention, Ethics and Code of Conduct, and/or Human Resources training. When these instructions are used the courses will be enrolled to all existing users that meet the Group Rule Sets immediately, and any newly registered users that meet the Rule Set upon provisioning.


  1. Modify the name of an unused Custom Field to “Is Supervisor (Yes or No)”. In this guide, Custom Field 1 will be used
    1. Go to Settings
    2. Select Fields
    3. If the chosen custom field is not displayed, it can be added using Add/Remove Field
  2. The “Is Supervisor (Yes or No)” field must be populated for each user account
  3. The user’s State must be populated using the ISO abbreviations located here

Groups Configuration

Select a topic below to learn how to create groups as needed using the Rule Sets provided.

Harassment Prevention Training

The Non-CA/CT/IL Non-Supervisor and Supervisor Harassment Training groups should include the Rule Set “State Is Not California, Connecticut, or Illinois”. Make sure to go to Courses – Enroll by Group and enable the email notifications for all the newly created groups. (Click on the screenshot to zoom.)

California/Illinois Non-Supervisor Harassment Training
California/Illinois Supervisor Harassment Training
Connecticut Non-Supervisor/Supervisor Training
Non-CA/CT/IL Non-Supervisor Harassment Training
Non-CA/CT/IL Supervisor Harassment Training
Global Non-Supervisor Harassment Training
Global Supervisor Harassment Training



Ethics & Code of Conduct and Human Resources Training

These libraries include courses for Supervisors and Non-Supervisors so groups should be created using the rulesets in the following screenshots. (Click on the screenshot to zoom.)

Ethics and Code of Conduct Human Resources




Enable Email Notifications by Group

  1. Navigate to Courses and select Enroll by Group
  2. Located the desired group and click Email Notification   
  3. Select Enable Email Notifications
  4. Under Select Email Notification, select:
    • Apply Group Level Course Enrollment/Un-Enrollment Email Notifications
  5. Under Select Events when Email Notifications will be sent to Learners, select:
    • When a user is added to the group
    • When courses are added to the group
  6. Click Save

Deploying Courses

To enroll users into the courses:

  1. Go to Courses > Enrollment – Enroll by Group 
  2. Click on the Assign Course icon for the group you’d like to enroll
  3. Select the appropriate courses on the Available Course(s) side then click the single arrow to move them to the Selected Course(s) side
  4. Click Next
  5. You’ll then be able to adjust the Due Date and Requirement Type if needed
  6. Click Save to perform the enrollment
  7. Repeat these steps for each Group to complete the deployment

Your Human Resources and Compliance training courses have now been configured and deployed.