Deploy the Custom Agent Installer

Written By Marissa Fegan (Super Administrator)

Updated at November 19th, 2024

After creating a custom installer, you then deploy VIPRE Cloud agents to your endpoint devices, overwriting your existing VIPRE Server agents.

Now that we have created a custom agent installer, we're ready to deploy the installer to our endpoint devices.

Step 1: Distribute the custom installer to your endpoints

To continue with deployment, distribute this policy-based installer to your endpoints however you'd like. Some suggestions:

  • Use a USB drive to copy the installer to each computer
  • Leverage GPO technologies to mass-deploy the installer to multiple endpoints
  • ... or any other method you prefer

Nobody knows your environment better than you, so how you choose to distribute the installer is up to you.

Step 2: Execute the agent installer on the endpoint

Once the installer is on the endpoint device, you'll need to run it to kick off the install and have it connect to VIPRE Cloud.

  1. From the remote device, locate the recently transferred MSI file
  2. Run the downloaded MSI file to start the VIPRE Cloud agent install on the endpoint device
  3. When the installation is complete, the agent will automatically register with VIPRE Cloud as part of the previously selected policy

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