Release Notes for VIPRE Endpoint Migrator - Dec 16, 2021

Written By Marissa Fegan (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 27th, 2024

Product release information for VIPRE Endpoint Migrator version 2.4 on December 16, 2021.

What's New

The latest version of VIPRE Endpoint Migrator is now aware of VIPRE Site Manager policies. 

Agent migration will now assign migrated agents to policies depending, first, on if there is a VIPRE Site Manager policy with the same name. If not, it will then check for a VIPRE Cloud policy with the same name. If one does not exist, the policy will be migrated to the Cloud site and the agent will be assigned to the newly created policy. 

Policy migration takes both Endpoint Cloud and VIPRE Site Manager policies into account when naming migrated policies as well as now supporting password-protected agent uninstall. Please note, if the policy selected for migration has Uninstall Protection enabled, a new password will be automatically generated.

System Requirements

System requirements and other items to consider before migrating to one of our VIPRE Cloud products

Supported Environments

This section lists the VIPRE environments that are compatible with VIPRE Migrator.

Migration from the following VIPRE Server products Migration to one of the following VIPRE Cloud products
  • VIPRE Endpoint Security Server - version 12.3 or later
  • VIPRE Endpoint Security Cloud
  • VIPRE Site Manager
  • VIPRE Endpoint Detection & Response (EDR)




The VIPRE Endpoint Migrator works exclusively with Windows-based agents. To migrate agents on a macOS system, you will need to uninstall the old agent then deploy the VIPRE Agent for macOS from the VIPRE Endpoint Cloud console.



Migrator Requirements

The Migrator must be installed on a Windows PC with:

  • Network access to:
    • Each agent you wish to migrate
    • Your VIPRE Site Service (VSS)
    • The internet (for access to VIPRE Cloud)
  • .NET Framework 4.6.1 or above

User Privileges

The user account under which the Migrator is run must have domain administrator privileges.

Environment Prerequisites

The steps within this section must be completed before running the Migrator.

  1. Create a VIPRE Cloud Site 
  2. Review the current state of your agents in VSS to ensure there are no pending reboots or uninstalls as the Migrator will not be able to migrate that device
  3. Make a list of agents/devices that have pending reboots or uninstalls
  4. Perform one of the following:
    • Reboot each device now, or
    • Add a step to your execution plan to perform a reboot prior to running the Migrator
  5. Before using the VIPRE Migrator, you must perform some firewall configuration changes within both the VIPRE Server firewall and your Windows Firewall to allow traffic to pass through
    1. Turn off the VIPRE Server firewall
      1. Login to your VIPRE Server console as a domain administrator
      2. From the console, disable the Firewall
    2. Enable Windows firewall rules
      1. The "WMI in" and "File and Printer Sharing" rules must be enabled in the Windows Firewall to allow traffic
      2. Perform one of the following in the Windows Firewall
        • Enable the rules for both “WMI in” and “File and Printer Sharing”
        • Add exceptions for ports 135, 139, and 445
  6. Ensure that both Network Discovery and File and Printer Sharing are enabled 

Other things to consider

A non-local roaming agent that is not currently connected to the same network as your VSS cannot be migrated using VIPRE Endpoint Migrator.

In this scenario, manual migration is necessary. One solution is presented below.

To manually migrate a roaming agent

  1. From the VIPRE Server console, remove the roaming agent device
  2. Using VIPRE Cloud, email the VIPRE Cloud agent installer to an administrator or user of that device

What's next?

When using the Migrator to migrate, the next step in the process is to download and install the VIPRE migrator tool. Refer to Related Articles for details.

Known Issues and Workarounds

This section lists issues that are known at the time of release. In some cases, these are bugs that we are working to resolve with a subsequent release. Other items may be due to causes outside of our control, such as bugs with other vendors' software. In all cases, we have tried to provide a workaround for you to consider, should you experience an issue.

If you have questions about a specific issue, please provide the issue ID (if applicable) when contacting our Technical Support team.

At this time there are no known issues with this release.