Backup & Restore Database

Written By Marissa Fegan (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 15th, 2020

When Upgrading or Migrating the VIPRE Endpoint Security Console, it is recommended to ensure a copy of the Database is saved should any issues occur that may cause corruption. 


The type of Database being used (Internal / External) can be found by:

  1. Opening Site Properties
  2. Choosing the Advanced Settings tab
  3. Clicking Configure

Backup DB

Collecting the Console's SiteGUID:

Each Database utilizes an identifying "SiteGUID" which needs to be saved.

  1. Open RegEdit and navigate to the following key:
    • Version 6.5 to Current:
      • x86:HKLM \ Software \ VIPRE Business
      • x64:HKLM \ Software \ Wow6432Node \ VIPRE Business
    • Version 5 to 6.2:
      • x86:HKLM \ Software \ GFI Software \ VIPRE Business
      • x64:HKLM \ Software \ Wow6432Node \ GFI Software \ VIPRE Business
  2. Note the "SiteGUID" to store with the backup of the Database

Backing up an Internal Database:
  1. Close the Console and stop the VIPRE Site Service
  2. Navigate to the "SQLite" folder in the Console's Volatile Data folder:
    • C:\ProgramData\VIPRE Business\SQLite\ 
  3. Copy the Vipre.s3db file to a safe location with the SiteGUID
  4. Start the VIPRE Business Site Service

Backing up an External SQL Database:

If absent, install Microsoft's SQL Management Studio Express: 2005 / 2008

  1. Close the Console and stop the VIPRE Site Service
  2. Detach the VIPRE Database: How to Detach a Database
  3. Copy the Database's MDF and LDF files to a safe location with the SiteGUID
  4. Re-Attach the VIPRE Database: How to Attach a Database
  5. Start the VIPRE Business Site Service

Restore DB

Confirming the Console's SiteGUID:
  1. Open RegEdit and navigate to the following key:
    • Version 6.5 to Current:
      • x86: HKLM \ Software \ VIPRE Business
      • x64: HKLM \ Software \ Wow6432Node \ VIPRE Business
    • Version 5 to 6.2:
      • x86: HKLM \ Software \ GFI Software \ VIPRE Business
      • x64: HKLM \ Software \ Wow6432Node \ GFI Software \ VIPRE Business
  2. Ensure "SiteGUID" is equal to the value saved with the Database
  3. If they are not, replace the entry listed in the Registry Editor
  4. Restart the VIPRE Business Site Service if the key was replaced

After this change, "Database Down" may be reported until restoration is complete

Restoring an Internal Database
  1. Close the Console and stop the VIPRE Site Service
  2. Navigate to the SQLite folder in Console's Data Repository:
    • C:\ProgramData\VIPRE Business\SQLite\ 
  3. Replace the current VIPRE.s3db with the backup
  4. Start the VIPRE Site Service

Restoring an External SQL Database

If absent, install Microsoft's SQL Management Studio Express: 2005 / 2008

  1. Attach the Database Backup: How to Attach a Database
  2. Connect to this Database
  3. Navigate to the VIPRE Console's Site Manager to confirm success