With VIPRE Site Manager sites, you can quickly and easily create, deploy, manage, or delete tenant sites.
The Sites screen shows a comprehensive list of tenant sites added to Site Manager. From here, you can create new sites (provisioning), edit their information, or remove them completely (deleting them).
Edit Tenant Site Details
At any time, you can adjust a site's company name, billing contact, estimated seats, and their contract end date. You can enable or disable site add-ons such as Web Access Control or MDR. From the Edit Site page you can also convert a site from ESC to EDR, EDR to EDR+MDR, or any other combination of the three.

- From the main menu, select Sites
- Select the desired site name to expand its information
- Select Site setup
- Make the necessary edits
Important notes regarding EDR+MDR:
When converting a site to EDR+MDR, you will need to acknowledge the Service and Billing statement:

The first time you create and EDR+MDR site (whether adding a new site or converting an existing one), there will be an Onboarding process that you will need to go through with us (VIPRE) to ensure that your policies and access control settings are configured correctly. However, Onboarding is not required for subsequent EDR+MDR sites.
- Then, select Update
The site is then updated with your changes immediately.
Delete Tenant Site
Deleting a site immediately removes it from Site Manager.
- From main menu, select Sites
- Select the Site name to expand its information
- Select Delete site
- As an added protection, you must manually enter the site name to confirm. Then, select Delete site
The site is immediately deleted.