By installing and using VIPRE Update Proxy, your VIPRE Agents can retrieve updates locally, rather than each agent individually downloading updates over the internet. Using the update proxy can dramatically reduce bandwidth use through your firewall.
VIPRE Update Proxy allows you to keep a local cache of commonly-updated content, such as threat definitions. This enables your VIPRE agents to download those updates from a local host instead of individually downloading updates over the internet. Using a local proxy cache can dramatically reduce bandwidth usage through your firewall.
How it works
VIPRE Update Proxy is an Nginx wrapper application installed on a local system. It listens on a specific port for inbound content update requests from VIPRE agents. Agents are configured at the policy level to use VIPRE Update Proxy instead of seeking content updates over the internet.
When VIPRE Update Proxy receives a request from an agent, it checks to ensure it has the latest set of updates from VIPRE and if not, downloads and caches that content locally. This cached content is then served up to any VIPRE agents that request it.
If VIPRE agents cannot reach VIPRE Update Proxy, they transparently failover to contacting the VIPRE web console directly.
Video introduction and quick setup
This video introduces VIPRE Update Proxy, part of VIPRE's Endpoint Security line of products, including Endpoint Security Cloud, Endpoint Detection & Response (EDR), and Endpoint EDR+MDR.
The following article has additional details on installation and configuration.