Email Security Server Quick Start Guide

Written By Marissa Fegan (Super Administrator)

Updated at August 22nd, 2024


1 Introduction

VIPRE is a policy-based messaging security application. As a System Administrator, you can use VIPRE to enforce email security policies that protect your network against spam, phishing, viruses, and other messaging security threats.

This QuickStart Guide will walk you through installing the product and provide a general overview of the Settings, Policies and Recipients, Disclaimers, The Quarantine Store, and Reports.


2 Installation and the Welcome Wizard

The installation process installs all of the components needed to run the application. You must be logged in with Administrative rights to install VIPRE.

To install VIPRE:

1. Close all other Windows programs that you have open on your computer; then, make a selection:

a. Open Windows Explorer; then, navigate to the location where you saved the setup.exe file on your computer;

b. Double-click setup.exe to open the InstallShield Wizard.

2. Install VIPRE on your computer.

3. After the installation is complete, the InstallShield WizardCompleted window opens.

4. Select the Launch the Welcome Wizard check box.

5. Click Finish. The installation is completed and launches the WelcomeWizard or the readme file if you selected them to be displayed.

6. Complete the wizard.





3 Settings

Use the Settings section to set the parameters for VIPRE. The Settings are divided into seven groups: Domains



Agent Registration

Notifications and Logging Updates and Licensing Security

To configure VIPRE settings

1. Click Settings in the left pane.

2. Select a group. A tab or series of tabs opens in the right pane.

3. Clicka tab and configure the settings for that tab.

4. On most of the tabs, if you made a change, a dialog box drops down at the top of the tab. Click

Apply to accept the change, or Discard to cancel it.


4 Policies and Recipients

Use the Policies and Recipients section to customize recipients' actions, configure global antispam, Antivirus, and attachment filter activity, manage antispam and attachment filter policies, and quarantine quarantined viruses and attachments intended for recipients.

4.1 Policies

A policy is a group of recipients that share the same settings and configurations. Policies help administrators customizations for recipients. All recipients are automatically assigned to a "Default Policy" for a particular plug-in until they are assigned to a different policy. There are three types of policies that you can assign:

Antispam – policies that help manage Antispam activity for email recipients.

Attachment Filter – policies that help manage attachment filters for email recipients.

Disclaimer –policies that help manage disclaimers for email recipients

You can also use this section to manage Antivirus settings and quarantined items. Use the same procedure to add a new Antispam or Attachment Filter policy.


To add a new policy

1. Expand Policies & Recipients in the left pane; then, right-click one of the following: Antispam, Antivirus, or AttachmentFilter.

2. Select Add New Policy. The Add New Policy window opens.

3. Type a name for the new policy in the Policy Name field.

4. Click OK. The new policy is added under Antispam, Attachment Filter, or Disclaimers.


4.2 Recipients

To search for all recipient assignments

1. Select Policies & Recipients; then, Recipients from the left pane. The Recipients tab opens in the right pane.

2. ClickSearch. VIPRE searches for all recipient assignments, then, lists the results in a table below.


To search for specific recipient assignments

1. Select Policies & Recipients; then, Recipients from the left pane. The Recipients tab opens in the right pane.

2. Select the criteria by which you want to list the search results from the Search Field drop-list. The

The search Type drop-list and Search Value fields become active.

3. Make a selection:


To perform a search that contains some or all of the text typed in the Search Value field:

Select Contains from the Search Type drop-list.


To perform a search that exactly matches the text typed in the Search Value field:

Select Equals from the Search Type drop-list.

1. Type a value in the Search Value field that will contain exactly match your search criteria exactly.

2. Make a selection:


To search recipients by policy type:

Select the policy type from the Policy Type drop-list.


To search recipients by the name of the policy:

Select the name of the policy from the Policy Name drop-list.


To receive only up to a specific number of results:

Select or type the number in the Maximum Results box.

3. Click Search. VIPRE searches the recipient database based on the selected criteria and returns the results in the Search table below.

4.3 Antispam

You can assign policies to help manage antispam activity for users receiving email on your network.


To manage global antispam settings

1. SelectPolicies & Recipients; then, Antispam. The Summary tab opens on the right.

2. Click the Global Settings tab.

3. Make a selection:


To enable global spam filtering for all antispam policies:

Select the Enable Spam Filtering check box.


To add headers for all antispam policies:

Select the Add X-Headerscheck box.


To filter bounce messages for all antispam policies:

Select the Filter Bounce Messages (NDRs, etc.) check box.

To configure individual Antispampolicy settings

1. Select Policies & Recipients, then the antispam policy you want to manage from the left pane.The Summary tab opens in the right pane.

2. Click the Policy Setting tab.

3. To enable the policy, select the Enable Policy check box.

4. Typethe name of the policy in the Policy Name field.

5. Under PolicyThresholds, type the maximum number of spam messages that can be quarantined and deleted in the Quarantine and Delete Threshold fields. The defaults are 200 and 6000, respectively. The value of 200 is how many points per spam message the engine has to accumulate to break the "IsSpam" threshold. The 6000 value means that messages scoring that high will be completely deleted instead of quarantined.

6. Make a selection under quarantine Actions:


To show the quarantined email as having been read:

Select the Mark as read check box.


To delete quarantined messages after a certain number of days:

Select the DeleteQuarantined Messages after...days check box; then, type the number of days in the available field.


To add a text tag to the beginning of the quarantined message subject line:

Select the Prepend to Subject check box; then, type the text in the available field.

7. Make a selection under quarantine Location:


To set a specific folder for quarantined messages:

Select the Quarantine Foldercheck box, then type the folder in the available field.


To redirect quarantined messages to another mailbox:

Select the Redirect Mailbox check box; then, type the name of the mailbox in the available field.


To redirect mail to a specific folder within a redirectedmailbox:

Select the Redirect Mailbox check box, type the mailbox name, then, type the folder name in the Redirect Folder box.

8. Make a selection under personal Allowed/Blocked Sender Lists:


To allow messages from senders in recipients' contacts:

Select the Messages from senders in the recipients' contacts check box.


To set a folder for allowed senders:

Select the AllowedFolder check box, then type the name and location for the folder in the available field.


To automatically add recipients of outbound emails to the Allowed senders list:

Select the Add recipients of outbound messages to the sender's Allowed list check box.

To set a folder for allowed senders:

Select the BlockedFolder check box, then type the name and location for the folder in the available field.


To automatically delete messages from addresses in the Blocked Senders list:

Select the Delete messages from senders in the users' blocked lists check box.


To use Outlook forms to manage your folders:

Select the Use Outlook forms for folder management checkbox.






9. Make a selection under Spoofing for how you would like to handle messages where the sender is spoofed:

Treat it like any other external message and let the AntispamEngine decide:

Select Like any other external message. Let the AntispamEngine decide.


To quarantine the spoofed messages:

Select Quarantine them.


To delete the spoofed messages:

Select Delete them.


To treat a mismatched envelope sender and From header as spoofed:

Select the Treat messages where the envelope sender doesn't match the address in the "From" header as a spoofed checkbox.


To manage individual Antispampolicy rules

1. Select Policies & Recipients; then, select the Antispam policy you want to manage from the left. The Summary tab opens in the right pane. Click the Rules tab; then, make a selection:

To add a new rule:

Click Add. The Rule Wizard opens. See the VIPRE UserGuide for more detailed information.


To edit an existing rule:

Click Edit. The Rule Wizard opens. See the VIPRE UserGuide for more detailed information.


To delete a rule:

Click Remove. The rule is removed from the list.

To import a rule from an XML file:

Click Import. For example, if we created a rule for our customers, we could place it in a centralized location for them to retrieve it.


To export a rule to an XML file:



To set the order of the listed rules:

Click SetOrder...


To view a list of members for a specific antispam policy

1. Select Policies & Recipients, then the Antispam policy you want to manage from the left pane.The Summary tab opens in the right pane.

2. Click the Members tab; then, select the criteria by which you want to list the Search results from the Search Field drop-list. The Search Type drop-list and Search Value field become active; then, make a selection:

To perform a search that contains some or all of the text typed in the Search Value field:

Select Contains from the Search Type drop-list.


To perform a search that exactly matches the text typed in the Search Value field:

Select Equals from the Search Type drop-list.

3. Type a value In the Search Value field that will contain or exactly match your search criteria; then, make a selection:

To search for members by policy type:

Select the policy type from the Policy Type drop-list.


To search for members by the name of the policy:

Select the name of the policy from the Policy Name drop-list.


To receive only up to a specific number of results:

Select or type the number in the Maximum Results box.

4. Click Search. VIPRE searches the member database based on the selected criteria and returns the results in the table below.


Use this section to manage antivirus activity for users receiving email on your network and configure options that affect all recipients configured for virus filtering.


To manage global antivirus settings

1. SelectPolicies & Recipients; then, Antivirus. The Summary tab opens in the right pane.

2. Click the Global Settings tab; then, make a selection:

To enable global antivirus filtering:

Select the Enable Antivirus check box.


To activate an antivirus engine:

Select an engine from the list under Antivirus Engines, then, click activate.


To deactivate an antivirus engine:

Select an engine from the list under Antivirus Engines, then, click Deactivate.

3. Make a selection:


To set the limit of the uncompressed file size to process:

Type the Maximum size in the maximum uncompressed file size to process field; then, select the action to take after the file size is reached from the If reached drop-list.


To set the maximum number of nested files or attachments to process:

Type the maximum number in the Maximum nested files/attachments to the process field; then, select the action to take after the number is reached from the reached drop-list.

4. Make a selection:


To select an action to take against infected items:

Select the action from the Action drop list.





To replace any quarantined or deleted items with text explaining the action that was taken against them:

Select the Replace quarantined/deleted items with this text check box.






5. Click Configure to configure the actions to take against specific types of infected items that cannot be handled by the general antivirus settings. The Exception Handling dialog box opens. Select an action to take against one or all of the specific types of infections from the available drop-lists.


To set the notifications sent when an action is taken against a message

1. Select Policies & Recipients Antivirustivirus in the left pane. The Summary tab opens in the right pane.

2. Click the Notifications tab.

3. To enable notifications for this antivirus policy, select the Enable notifications for this policy

check box; then, select the type of notification from the Notifications checkbox list.

4. Verify or edit the information below the Notifications checkbox list. For example, if you selected Message Body Part Deleted, verify or edit the information in the From, To, Subject, CC, and BCC, fields. We recommend that you leave the default text in the Body field.

Attachment filter

VIPRE employs the Attachment Filtering plug-in to administer and control email traffic that contains messages with attachments. This plug-in has a policy-based architecture, allowing you to assign different Active Directory Users, Distribution lists, and mail-enabled public folders to specific policies. Use this section to customize recipient attachment filtering settings.


To manage global attachment filter settings

1. SelectPolicies & Recipients; then, Attachment Filter. The Summary tab opens in the right pane

2. Click the Global Settings tab.

3. Make a selection:


To enablAttachmentttachment filtering for all policies:

Select the Enable attachment filtering check box.


To add headers for all attachment filter policies:

Select the Add X-Header check box.


To determine which set of rules will be applied to attachments first:

Select the Global Rules or Policy Rules button.

4. Make a selection:





To set the limit of the uncompressed file size to process:

Type the maximum size in the Maximum uncompressed file size to process field; then, select the action to take after the file size is reached from the If reached: drop-list.


To set the maximum number of nested files/attachments to process:

Type the maximum number in of the maximum nested files/attachments to the process field; then, select the action to take after the number is reached from the If reached: drop-list.


To manage global rules for attachment filters

1. Select Policies & Recipients; then, Attachment Filter; then, click the Rules tab.

2. To add a rule for a file extension, click Add. The Attachment FilterRule dialog box opens. See X-Headers in the VIPRE User Guide.

3. Make a selection:

To edit the name or email address for a rule in the list:

Select the rule, then, click Edit. The Attachment Filter Rule dialog box opens.


To delete a rule:

Select the rule, then, click Remove. The rule is removed from the list.

4. Make a selection:


To import a rule:

Click Import. For example, if we created a rule for our customers, we could place it in a centralized location for them to retrieve it.


To export a rule:


5. If you made a change, a dialog box drops down at the top of the tab. Click Apply to accept the change, or Discard to cancel.


To view a global list of attachment filter policy members

1. Select Policies & RecipientAttachmentttachment Filterfrom the left pane. The Summary tab opens in the right pane.

2. Click the Members tab.

3. Select the criteria by which you want to list the Search results from the Search Field drop-list. The

The search Type drop-list and Search Value fields become active.

4. Make a selection:


To perform a search that contains some or all of the text typed in the Search Value field:

Select Contains from the Search Type drop-list.


To perform a search that exactly matches the text typed in the Search Value field:

Select Equals from the Search Type drop-list.

5. Type a value in the Search Value field that will contain exactly match your search criteria exactly.

6. Make a selection:


To search for members by policy type:

Select the policy type from the Policy Type drop-list.


To search for members by the name of the policy:

Select the name of the policy from the Policy Name drop-list.


To receive only up to a specific number of results:

Select or type the number in the Maximum Results box.

7. Click Search. VIPRE searches the member database based on the selected criteria and returns the results in the table below.

To configure individual Attachment Filter policy settings

1. Select Policies & Recipients; then, an attachment filter policy from the left pane. The Summary

tab opens in the right pane.

2. Clickthe Policy Settingstab.

3. To enable the policy, select the Enable Policy check box.

4. Typethe name of the policy in the Policy Name field.

5. To set alternative actions for messages that cannot be processed, clickConfigure.

6. To specify the text that replaces quarantine or deleted attachments, type the replacement text in the box labeled Replacement text for quarantined items.

7. If you made a change, a dialog box will appear at the top of the tab. Click Apply to accept the change, or Discard to cancel.


To manage rules for attachment filter policies

1. Select Policies & Recipients; then, an Attachment Filter policy. The Summary tab opens in the right pane.

2. Clickthe Rules tab.

3. Make a selection:


To add a rule for a file extension:

Click Add. The Attachment Filter Rule dialog box opens.


To edit the name or email address for a rule in the list:

Click Edit. The Attachment FilterRule dialog box opens.


To delete a rule:

Click Remove. The rule is removed from the list.


To import a rule:

Click Import. For example, if we created a rule for our customers, we could place it in a centralized location for them to retrieve it.


To export a rule:



To set the notifications sent when an action is taken against a message.

1. Select Policies & Recipients, then the attachment filter policy you want to manage from the left pane. The Summary tab opens in the right pane.

2. Click the Notifications tab.

3. To enable notifications for this policy, select the Enable notifications check box.

4. From the Notifications list, select all the actions that you want to trigger a notification and its recipients.

5. Verify or edit the information relating to the selection from the Notifications checkbox list. For example, if you selected NotifyPostmaster, verify or edit the information in the From, To, Subject, and Body fields.


To view a list of attachment filter policy members

1. Select Policies & RecipientAttachmentttachment Filterfrom the left pane. The Summary tab opens in the right pane.

2. Click the Members tab.

3. Select the criteria by which you want to list the Search results from the Search Field drop-list. The

The search Type drop-list and Search Value fields become active.

4. Make a selection:


To perform a search that contains some or all of the text typed in the Search Value field:

Select Contains from the Search Type drop-list.


To perform a search that exactly matches the text typed in the Search Value field:

Select Equals from the Search Type drop-list.

5. Type a value in the Search Value field that will contain exactly match your search criteria exactly.

6. Make a selection:


To search for members by policy type:

Select the policy type from the Policy Type drop-list.


To search for members by the name of the policy:

Select the name of the policy from the Policy Name drop-list.


To receive only up to a specific number of results:

Select or type the number in the Maximum Results box.

7. Click Search. VIPRE searches the member database based on the selected criteria; and then, returns the results in the table below.





5 Disclaimers

Use this section to manage disclaimers and signatures attached to emails for security, compliance, and general information on incoming and outgoing emails. Disclaimers are typically used to provide legal information, warnings about unknown or, unverified email senders, or various other reasons as determined by an organization.

To manage Global Disclaimer Settings

1. Select Policies & Recipients; then, Disclaimers. The Summary tab opens in the right pane.

2. Click the Global Settings tab.

3. Make a selection:


To enable the global disclaimer plug-in:

Select the Enableplug-in check box.


To make sure duplicate disclaimers are not added to messages:

Select the Do not add duplicate global disclaimer check box.

4. To select a global disclaimer to apply to all email messages, click Select next to Select the global disclaimer.

5. Make a selection:


To enable tokens that allow policy members to manage global disclaimers:

Select the Enable tokens check box, then type the name of the token in the Token field.


To Remove a Token from a message:

Select the Remove token from the message check box.


To only add a disclaimer if a token is found:

Select Onlydisclaim if Token found.


To only add a disclaimer if a token is not found:

Select Onlydisclaim if the token is not found.


To Manage disclaimer templates

1. SelectPolicies & Recipients; then, Disclaimers. The Summary tab opens in the right pane.

2. Clickthe Templates tab.

3. To add a disclaimer template, click Add. The Template Editor opens. See Add a disclaimer template in the VIPRE User Guide.

4 Make a selection:


To edit a template:

Select a template from the list, then click Edit. See Edit a Disclaimer template in the VIP User Guide.


To copy a template:

Select a template from the list; then click Copy. The Template Editor opens. Change the name of the template; then close the window.


To delete a template:

Select a template from the list, then click Delete. The template is removed from the list.

To manage disclaimer policy settings

1. Select Policies & Recipients; then, select the disclaimer policy you want to manage from the left pane. The Policy Settings tab opens in the right pane.

2. To enable the policy, select the Enable policy check box.

3. To select the disclaimer that will be applied to messages sent from members of the policy, click

select under the Disclaimer Actions section.

4. Make a selection:


To enable the global disclaimer plug-in:

Select the Enable plug-in check box.


To make sure duplicate disclaimers are not added to messages:

Select the Do not add duplicate global disclaimer checkbox.

5. Make a selection under the TokenActions section:


To enable tokens that allow policy members to manage global disclaimers:

Select the Enable tokens check box, then type the name of the token in the Token field.


To Remove a Token from a message:

Select the Remove token from the message check box.


To only add a disclaimer if a token is found:

Select Onlydisclaim if Token found.


To only add a disclaimer if a token is not found:

Select Only Disclaim if the token is not found.


6 TheQuarantine Store

Use this section to view, deliver, save, and delete quarantined items from the Quarantine Store.


To manage quarantined items

1. Select Policies & Recipients, then, quarantine from the left pane. The QuarantineSettings tab opens on the right.

2. Make a selection:


To refresh the list of quarantined items:



To configure settingsfor quarantine storage:


To save the list of quarantined items under another file name:

Click Save As...


Send a notification for quarantined items to authorized individuals.



To delete a quarantined item:



To purge the list of quarantined items:



To configure quarantine settings

1. Select Policies & Recipients, then, quarantine from the left pane. The QuarantineSettings tab opens on the right.

2. Click Settings....... The Quarantine Store Settings dialog box opens.

3. Make a selection:


To delete items older than a certain amount of day:

Select the Deleteitems older than: check box; then, select or type the number of days in the day's box.


To set the quarantine storage size limit:

Select or type the number of Megabytes in the MB box.


To have a notification sent when the storage reaches a specific size:

Select the Notify when the size reaches: check box; then, the selector types the percentage the file size must reach before a notification is sent in the % box.


To set an action for when the storage limit is exceeded or the disk is full:

Select the appropriate radio button below the headingwhen the limit is exceeded or the disk is full:

4. If you want to edit or change the location where the quarantined items are stored, click on the

In the quarantine location field, click Browse...... to open the explorer, select the new location, then, click OK.

5. Click OK on the Quarantine Store Settings dialog box.


7 Reports

Reports are anothertool that providedetailed information on threats to your system. You can use the reports to review various aspects of messaging data. Reports can be exported in six formats:

Crystal Reports (.rpt) Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) Microsoft Excel (.xls)

Microsoft Excel Data Only (.xls)

Microsoft Word (.doc) Rich Text Format (.rtf)

To preview a report

1. Select the type of report you want to preview from the list; then selecta date range the reportwill cover from the Start and Enddate drop-lists.

2. To previewa report that lists information about inbound or outbound mail,select inbound orout- bound from the Direction drop-list; then, click Preview.


To print a report

1. Selecta report from the list; then, select the date range the report will covers from the Start and

End date drop-lists.

2. To preview a report that shows information about inbound or outbound mail, select inbound or outbound from the Direction drop-list, then from then click Print.

Contacting VIPRE Support or Sales