Email Security - Admin

Written By Marissa Fegan (Super Administrator)

Updated at August 6th, 2024

This article explains the details of all options under the Admin category of settings.


The Admins page will allow you to create and manage administrator accounts for the portal.


Please note that admins may not share the same name as a user, e.g. cannot be listed as both an admin and a user. It is recommended to have admin specific usernames. You may use personal email addresses such as,, but this account can only be registered to one customer account.


Action Dropdowns 

  • Export: Creates a CSV file with the selected admins information
  • Activate: Enables service for selected admins
  • Deactivate: Disables service for selected admins
  • Delete: Deletes selected admins

The Select all checkbox only selects all mailboxes on the selected pages. Users on other pages will not be included.

Columns Edit section

  • Email Address: Displays the admin’s login username.
  • Customer: Displays the customer number the admin belongs to.
  • Active: Displays if an admin is currently active or suspended.
  • First Name: Your admin's given name.
  • Last Name: Your admin's surname.
  • External: Display whether the admin has an internal mailbox or is external.
  • Role: Displays if they are currently an admin of any service, most users should have this field blank.
  • Last Login: Displays the last time of the admin's login.

Admin Account settings 

Click the Settings icon ☰ to edit these. The Admins page allows you to create and manage administrator accounts for the portal.

Within the Settings for each admin, you'll see the following:

  • Summary of the user/admin
  • Role within the organization
  • Password reset option
  • Preferences for name, language, and timezone


This screen displays a list of administrative roles and the permissions each of these roles possesses. It details who has access to different pages of the website and the level of functionality they control.

To add a new administrative role, enter a name for the new role into the "Add new admin role" textbox and pressing the blue + icon. To delete a role, click the trash-can icon for that role. Once a role has been selected, the permissions options are displayed in the "Permissions" tab to the right. To change the permissions for this role, use the slider controls. After making changes, press the "Save" button to save your changes.

Access Edit section

Determines which parts of user messages are viewable to administrators.

  • View Quarantined Messages:
    • None: No detailed information about quarantined messages may be viewed. Quarantined messages will not show up in message listing views.
    • Headers: MIME headers of quarantined messages may be viewed.
  • View Clean Messages:
    • None: No detailed information about non-quarantined messages may be viewed.
  • Non-quarantined messages will not show up in message listing views.
    • Headers: MIME headers of non-quarantined messages may be viewed.
  • Archiving
    • None: No Customer Level permissions for Archiving.
    • Administrator: Super Admin with this permission can login to the customer wide archive.
  • Login as a User: This option controls whether this role could switch level to users.
Actions Edit section

Determines the level of access that role members have regarding users, policy control, LDAP, customer billing information and mail routes. Drag the slider to assign members one of the following permission levels:

  • None: Role members cannot view or change these settings.
  • View: Role members may view the settings, but cannot change them.
  • Edit: Role members can view and change these settings. However, they cannot add or delete settings. In this case, the terms "adding" and "deleting" refer to changes which add items to a list or remove items from a list, respectively. For example, a role with "Edit" permissions on "Users" would allow admins with that role to change settings for a user, but would not allow that admin to create or delete users.
  • Full Control: Role members may view, change, add and delete settings. Each permission level in actions controls access to the following actions:
  • Permissions: Changing the permissions for roles. View permission allows access to the Permission Management Page.
  • Policies: Setting disclaimer messages, enforcing TLS on internal hosts, adding or removing TLS enforcement rules (Full Control only), setting large file handling policies, editing data lists for use in other policies, adding or removing data lists used in other policies (Full Control only), editing, re-ordering, enabling and disabling advanced policies (adding/removing actions or rules to/from existing policies requires Full Control), creating or removing advanced policies (Full Control only).
  • Users: Issuing password-reset emails, changing passwords, changing spam settings for individual users, adding secondary addresses for a user (Full Control only), adding/deleting users (Full Control only).
  • Spam: Editing delivery times of quarantine reports, editing templates for quarantine reports, choosing which actions are shown in quarantine reports.
  • DNS: Enabling/disabling DNS management service for each domain, managing individual DNS records for each domain.
  • Routes: Editing information for mail servers, adding/removing mail servers from service (Full Control only).
  • LDAP: Editing LDAP settings, adding or removing exceptions (Full Control only).
  • Billing: Editing contact information, changing package subscriptions.

Spam Report 

Determines how admins can edit spam reporting and filtering settings.

  • Allow/Deny List: Determines access to allow and deny lists. These lists contain IP addresses, email addresses and domain which are either always marked as spam (deny) or allowed to bypass spam filtering (allow).
    • None: Role members cannot view or change allow and deny lists.
    • View: Role members may view allow and deny lists, but cannot change them.
    • Full Control: Role members may view allow and deny lists. They may also add entries to the lists or remove entries from them.
  • Release: Determines how quarantined spam messages may be released.
    • None: Role members cannot release quarantined messages.
    • To User: Role members can release quarantined messages, but only for delivery to the original recipient.
    • To Anywhere: Role members can release quarantined messages for delivery to any address. Note that this may allow administrators to view quarantined message bodies they would not otherwise have access to by specifying themselves as recipients for released messages.

Super Admin 

Super admin role is the default admin role auto-generated by the system. In most cases it is only viewable and could not be modified. It is only editable by super users.

Access Control Edit section

This section allows you to restrict users from accessing the system from certain IP addresses or range.

  • Restrict admin users to registered IP ranges
  • Restrict end-users to registered IP ranges
  • Apply IP restrictions when users auto-login from quarantine report
  • Apply IP restrictions when users login with a username & password
  • Two Factor Authentication (2FA) - Disabled as default
    • Disabled - 2FA will not be enabled
    • Required - User will need to set up 2FA before the 5-login grace period ends
    • Optional - User can opt to not set 2FA for the period of time determined in their frequency
    • Frequency - Time the admin allows users to remember their browser and not be asked for a second-factor authentication method


Audit Logs Edit section

This section allows admins to track changes in the console and user logging.

Columns Edit section
  • ID: The unique system message id. The search function allows to search for complete message IDs only, not parts.
  • Timestamp: Time and date of the change made.
  • User: Account that made the specific change.
  • Action: The type of action that was taken.
  • Target: Where or what the action was applied to.

Additional data columns can be displayed by clicking on the gear icon. Below is a list of all the columns available:

  • Action
  • Error
  • Timestamp
  • Target
  • Request ID
  • User
  • Client IP
Alerts Edit section

The Alerts feature will allow you to receive email or SMS alerts whenever your service is exhibiting issues.

  • Enabled: Indicates whether the alert is active or inactive.
  • Alert on: The defined criteria on which an alert will be sent out.
    • High Queue: The number of outstanding messages waiting in your queue.
    • Firewall: The number of consecutive firewall failures.
    • Virus: The number of unique users sending outbound virus messages in the span of an hour.
  • Description: A descriptive title for the alert.
  • Users: The chosen contacts for your system alerts.
    • Name: A name or title for the alert recipient.
    • Email: The email address that will receive the alert message.
    • Phone: The phone number that will receive the alert message.
    • Method: Select which methods should be used to contact the recipient in case of an alert.
Preferences Edit section

This screen allows you to view and update preferences for the current customer or reseller.

  • Time zone: Preferred time zone for displaying time.
  • Language: Preferred language to use in the portal.