Retrieve and Install a Custom Build

Written By Marissa Fegan (Super Administrator)

Updated at November 20th, 2024

If you have a custom build code, either from our Custom Build Codes article or provided by Technical Support, this article will walk you through how to retrieve that custom build Agent. This article applies to Endpoint EDR+MDR, Endpoint Detection & Response, and Endpoint Security Cloud.

Retrieve Custom Build

  1. On the left-side blue menu, under SETUP, select Deploy Agents
  2. On the right side of the window, under Retrieve Custom Build, click the button that says Enter Build Code
  3. Enter the build code that was provided to you and select Retrieve

Once the custom build agent is retrieved, it will appear under the current version.


Install the Custom Build

There are two options to deploy the agent once you have the custom build.

Option 1: Update Devices

This is a remote option that does not require you to visit individual endpoints to update the agent. When installing Custom Build Agents in this way, it is strongly recommended that you select only the machines that you have dedicated for testing purposes.

  1. Next to the Custom Build, click Update Devices
  2. Select the checkboxes next to the endpoints you would like to update to this custom build
  3. Click Update Selected

A task is sent remotely to the selected agents to perform the update.


Option 2: Create Policy Installer

This is more of a manual installation option, allowing you to create a policy-based custom-build agent MSI file for individual endpoints.

  1. Next to the Custom Build, click Create Policy Installer
  2. Select your desired policy, then click Select
  3. Allow some time for the policy-specific agent installer to be created, then click Download Installer

Your browser will then download the vipre_private_agent_yoursitename_yourpolicyname_versionnumber.msi file. Use your preferred method to get this MSI file to the endpoints you've chosen for installation.



Congrats! You have successfully retrieved and installed a custom agent build.