The Help tab in VIPRE Cloud provides links to product documentation, assistance with migrating to VIPRE Cloud, and other ways to customize and maximize your experience.
Choose a topic below to get started.
Getting started with VIPRE Cloud has never been easier. The product itself contains links to the VIPRE Success Center, API documentation, and first steps to get you started.
- VIPRE Success Center is this website, an online database where you can find product documentation and release notes
- API Documentation is a YAML file you can download to get detailed information about your site; you can use any API editor to view the YAML file
Simply click the topic you want to learn more about, and you're on your way.

Domain Lookup
You can search for details on a specific URL within VIPRE Cloud to determine how it's categorized as part of Web Access Control add-on.
This is only available for VIPRE Cloud subscribers with the Web Access Control A

Find technical support, see the current status of VIPRE services, or submit a feature request by clicking the Support tab within VIPRE Cloud.