iLMS Automated Export Reports (FTP)

Written By Marissa Fegan (Super Administrator)

Updated at August 5th, 2024

If your organization has a secure FTP server, this tool can be used to export user and transcript data on regular basis in CSV or TXT format to a location provided by your organization. This file can then be utilized by any systems within the organization capable of processing a CSV to update any additional HRIS or other reporting systems.

Reports Tab -> Automated Export

FTP Connection Settings 

Save & Check Connection

After entering your FTP server details, you may use this to test the connection and ensure it is functioning properly.

FTP Type

Here you may choose FTP+SSL (FTPS) or FTP+SSH (SFTP)

Selecting one of these options will change which options are available to you below this section to meet the needs of the connection type.

Note: Plain FTP is no longer supported. Connection must use SFTP or FTPS connection.


Host Name

The address for your FTP server (either a DNS address, such as or a publically available IP address.)


The FTP port your FTP server is set to bind to. If not using standard reports for connection types, Inspired may need to whitelist your IP work with a non-standard port.

FTP Mode

You may select Active or Passive, depending on your server configuration.

Remote Directory

The directory that contains your spreadsheet files, with “/” being the default root directory.

Anonymous Login

Check this if your server allows, and you wish to use, an anonymous FTP login.


Specify the FTP user here.


Specify the FTP user’s password here.

Use Proxy

  • Checking this box will allow you to use a proxy server to connect to the FTP server.

  • Proxy Name
    The DNS name or IP address for your proxy server.
  • Port
    The port that is configured for your proxy server.
  • Proxy Type
    You may choose either Socks4, Socks4a, Socks5, HttpConnect, FtpSite, FtpUser, or FtpOpen.
  • Username
    The username to authenticate to your proxy server.
  • Password
    The password for the user to authenticate to your proxy server.

FTP+SSL/SSH settings

If you are using FTP+SSL (FTPS), you must upload the SSL certificate for your FTP server and optionally provide its password. You may select either Implicit or Explicit TLS or SSL as a security method, and may optionally define which TLS or SSL protocols are allowed. You may also choose whether to use the Clear Command Channel command for the iLMS' FTP client connection.

If you are using FTP+SSH (SFTP), you can upload the private SSH key used for your server and optionally provide the password used.

Adding a Report

To Add and set up a new Export select the option on the Exports tab. 

This will start the creation of a new export and take you to the settings page for the new Export report. 

  • Export Name
    This is the name that will display for your export report on the main Exports list page in iLMS. This name will also be appended to the filename of the CSV or TXT report exported along with the date/time. 
  • Type
    Here you have the option to have the report export a full report each time or just the changes since the last report or "synchronization" this is helpful when this report will be used to update another system where the full sync might not be needed every time.
  • Status
    This option allows you to filter report data by course status. The "Assigned" option will list all users assigned the course regardless of status, or results can be narrowed by specific course status.
  • Include Inactive Students
    By default, only active users will appear on the exported reports, but this option offers the ability to include inactive users as well.
  • Course
    This selector allows you to select which courses will be included on the report. 
  • Region, Division, Department
    This selector allows you to narrow down which branches of the organizational hierarchy will be included on the report. By default, all branches of the user hierarchy will be included on the report.
  • Frequency - Occurrence Date and Time
    Here you can determine how frequently the report will be exported to the specified FTP directory. The export can occur on a daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly basis. The start date and time of exports, as well as the end date, can be specified here as well.
  • Save
    Once the desired settings and filters have been applied, Save the settings to unlock the Export Format Tab. 

Note: Settings will be set for the Export at this point, but it will still need to be turned on/enabled on the main export list after we've completed the full setup for the Export including the format.


Export Format Tab

On this tab you can determine the fields that will be included on the report as well as the Export File Type (CSV or TXT) and the delimiter that will be used to separate the data.

  • To Add or Remove a field from the report, simply check or uncheck the box in the "Export Field" Column.
  • To edit the Field Name on the report, type in the blank provided in the "Field Heading in Export File" column.
  • The order in which these fields appear can also be managed with the Order column. To change the order simply type the number of columns over you'd like the field to appear on the report.

Once the desired fields, names, and order have been specified and added to the report, save the results with the "Save" button located at the bottom of the page.

Modifying an Existing Export Report

The Export Settings and Formatting for an existing report can be changed at any time by clicking the name of the export on the Exports List. This will take you back to the same pages used to initially create the export.

Enabling or Disabling Report Export

On the main Exports list, you can control which Export Reports actively push to your FTP server.

  • Last Execution Date and Next Execution Date
    These columns give you a quick look into the last time a report was exported from the system as well as the next date and time the report the will be generated and exported to the FTP location. 
  • Generate Now
    If you would like to see an example of the report generated by a particular export, or simply need the report earlier than the next scheduled time you can use the "Generate Now" button to download an immediate copy of the report straight from iLMS.
  • Enabling/Disabling the Export (Export On/Off and Send via FTP On/Off)
    These options turn the export report on and off. If checked the report will generate at the time specified in the export's settings. In order to enable the report, both options must be checked.
  • Delete
    If you no longer need the export and would not like to keep it in the list this option will allow you to delete it