PhishProof Reporting

Written By Marissa Fegan (Super Administrator)

Updated at September 19th, 2024

Click a PhishProof category below to expand and learn more.

Campaign Details

This tool provides details on the results of an individual campaign, each campaign provides these details during and after its scheduled run. To view details for a particular campaign click the name of any Campaign listed on the Campaigns page.

Here you'll be presented with an array of tabs each drilling into a different aspect of your campaign. 

Note: The Campaign details are only visible once a campaign has reached Completed status. This occurs after all emails are sent.     
For single mass sends they reach completed status fairly quickly, but for drip sends (Used by the Random Template tool) this duration is much longer as it sends emails over the course of 7 days or more.



The first tab provides a brief summary in chart form displaying what percentage of total users were Phished in the simulation, either by Link Click, Form Submission, or the opening of the Attachment, depending on the template type selected. 

Map Overview

This tab displays the rough geographical location associated with the IP from which a user clicked/opened/submitted during the assessment. If your organization has multiple office locations, this may help identify locations that may require additional training. 

Target Comparison

On this tab, you can see the makeup of the users who were vulnerable to the assessment. This chart is broken out by the Hierarchy, Campaigns, Groups or whatever was used to select targets during the campaigns creation. 

User Details

The last tab of the Campaigns details provides the most granular data for the campaign. Here all of the selected recipients are listed and any individuals who performed the insecure action during the simulation have data captured in regards to the action performed such as the host-name, IP, and mail client in use when performing said action. 

  1. Link Click/Form Submit/Attachment Column  
    This column displays the date/time at which the user performed the insecure action during the simulation. 
  2. Export Results to Excel  
    This option allows User details reported for the Campaign to be quickly exported to Excel
  3. Targets List Filter   
    If targets were added by user hierarchy, groups, or previous campaigns, the user data can be filtered for users who meet specific criteria. 4. Show User IP information - This button allows you to toggle on/off the ability to view IP information associated with users who required additional education the assessment. By default, only the date and time the action was performed will be displayed.

Campaign Reports

Campaign Reportsare available for both in-progress and completed campaigns and include:

  • Campaign details that are visible on each tab of the report, such as:
    • Campaign name, status (in-progress or completed), and if it's randomized
    • Campaign start date
    • Campaign end date (only visible if the campaign is randomized)
    • Collection end date and status (open or closed)
    • Education Method
    • Template(s) used
  • Campaign reports components organized by tab:
    • Overview (how many passed vs. clicked the link, how many phishing emails sent, and how many were phished by email)
    • Target Comparison (graph comparison of targeted users)
    • User Details (searchable table of users who participated in the campaign with options to filter by who was phished and who reported the phishing attempt)
  • Print option which includes the Campaign details and the contents of the Overview tab of the campaign report.


Susceptible Users

This report allows you to keep track of if which users have received or may soon receive additional training assigned via iLMSin accordance with the rules dictated under Course Assignment. 

This list displays all users who were susceptible to Phishing during a simulation as well as a count of the number of simulations in which the user performed the action leading to the Educational Landing page. 

Total Count  
The total number of assessments which a user performed the insecure action.

Current Count  
Indicates the number of simulations which the user has not passed since the last course assignment. 

This option displays the campaigns that make up the count as well as the dates the action(s) were performed. 

Export to Excel  

This report also offers the option to export the details to an Excel File.


Global Reporting

To get an idea of your organizations overall health and education needs when it comes to Phishing, USB Baiting, and whether or not users are following security best practices, PhishProof provides Global reporting. The Global Reporting tool summarizes your organizations performance throughout all simulations. 


The first tab of Global Reporting shows a numbers summary of all PhishProof activity over the course of your campaigns. These numbers can be displayed for All Time, or calendar drop-down in the upper-right will let you select a different date range. 

Map Overview 

Much like the tool found in Campaign Details, the Map Overview provides a visual glance at where users who were educated by the simulation are located geographically according to the data captured during the campaigns. This tool offers a drop-down which allows you to see the map data by campaign. 

Trend Analysis 

The trend analysis report will allow your organization to see simulation performance over time. This can be filtered by Campaign, Group, Dates, or user languages. The goal is to see the number of victims during the simulation decrease over time as users receive immediate feedback and education from initial simulations.

By Phish Type 

This tab displays the percentage of users who passed/did not pass campaigns broken out by the type of template used. There is a Pie Chart to represent each of the template types used in simulations, Link Click, Attachment, and Form Submission template types. 

By Individual 

This tab lets you search for a specific user or set of users who meet criteria such as first name, last name, and email. Partial searches are supported, so you can search by email domain as well. The report includes data for all campaigns, displays which campaigns were sent to the user, and shows whether or not the user required additional education. This report can also be exported to Excel.

Tip: If you search "@" in the email blank this will display all users.


Pie Chart Comparison 

This section of the Global reports lets you compare the Pie Charts of selected campaigns side by side. The filters let you select the campaign as well as the time period, or display data for All time. The Pie Charts display the percentage of users who hit the Education landing page out of the total number of users who were recipients of the campaign. 

Browser OS Statistics 

The final tab of PhishProofs global reporting provides data on what web browsers and operating systems were in use for users for which data was captured. 

Note: This data is only captured for those who clicked the link, opened attachments/enabled macros, or fill in forms as that is when this data is sent back to PhishProof.