Advanced Policies

Advanced Policies for VIPRE Partners

Written By Marissa Fegan (Super Administrator)

Updated at November 10th, 2022

Reseller-level Advanced Policies allow VIPRE partners to set custom mail rules that take priority over their customers' email policies. These Advanced Policies might be useful for ensuring emails from your domain always make it through to your customers, regardless of any email rules they have set up.  

Configure an Advanced Policy

Let's set up an Advanced Policy with the example mentioned above - ensuring you, as the Reseller, can get emails from your domain through to your customers.


Before we get started, it's important to know that policies are applied in the order you see them listed. For example, if the ACTION is a [STOP], no other policies listed under the [STOP] action will be processed. 

To change the order of your policies, click on the 4 arrows to the left of your policy name and drag it to the desired location.



To set up Advanced Policies as a VIPRE Reseller:

  1. Log in to the VIPRE Email Security Cloud Reseller portal
  2. On the left-side menu, click Policies
  3. Select Advanced Policies
  4. Click Create Policy in the top-right corner
  5. Under Settings:
    1. Name your policy (this can be whatever you want, but we recommend naming it for the function of the policy)
      • For this example, let's call it "InboundVIPRE"
    2. Applies to (select Incoming Messages or Outgoing Messages from the drop-down menu)
    3. Click the checkbox next to Enable
    4. Enabled for (select the appropriate option from the drop-down menu)
      • For this example, we'll choose "Specified Domains", add in the text box, and click Add
  6. Under Rules:
    1. Select how you want to match the rules from the drop-down menu
    2. Next, select what you want to match based on  which part of the email and what you want it to look for
  7. Under Actions:
    1. Select the appropriate action to take from the drop-down menu
      • Bypass Spam Filtering - This option marks the email as not being spam; click + sign
      • Quarantine Message [STOP] - This option will quarantine the message and then stop running all policies after this one; Choose from the options below and click Add
        • Choose the number of days you want to store quarantined messages for
        • Select whether you want to allow user access to quarantined messages
        • Select whether you do not want to quarantine messages if the sender is allowed
        • If you want a summary of mail quarantined by this specific policy to be sent to specific email addresses, add them in the text box separated by a semi-colon
      • Set Message Header - This option sets the specified header, replacing existing headers of this type; Set the text you want to set as the message header and click Add
        • This option must use the following format: <header name>:<header contents>
  8. At the bottom of the page, click Create Policy

You have successfully created an advanced policy at the reseller level!

Create a Template

When creating an Advanced Policy, under Actions, there is an option to "Notify via Template".

To create a template:

  1. Under Policies on the left-side menu, select Templates
    • Here you can edit an existing template simply by clicking on it, but today we'll focus on creating a new one
  2. Type the name of your template in the text box at the top of the page and click the plus sign
  3. A form will appear allowing you to fill in information like the Sender's name, email address, recipient, and contents of the template
  4. Once you've finished filling out the template form, click Save at the bottom
  5. Your template should now appear in the drop-down menu when creating an Action to "Notify using Template" under Advanced Policies.

Confirm Policy Used

Advanced Policies, created by you as the Reseller, will override any conflicting policies created by your customer. You can tell which policy was used on an email by:

  1. On the left-side menu, click Message Logs
  2. On the right side of the screen, click on the cog icon
  3. You'll be able to select which columns of the table you want to see; click the checkbox next to Policies, and the table will instantly refresh to show the policy used
    • There is an icon to indicate which policies are the reseller-level policies (the lack of an icon indicates a customer-level policy) 

Create Custom Data List

Custom data lists are administrator-defined lists of values. Default data lists are defined as part of the administrative portal system, and cannot be modified or removed.

Today, we're going to create a new custom data list:

  1. Under Policies, select Data List
  2. Name your data list in the text box and click the plus sign
  3. Click the Modify button in the top right
  4. A Data List Management box will pop up
    • Here you can edit the name of your data list, import a TXT file, or add your list items (one per line)
  5. When you've finished, click Save