Schedule Application Scans and Automatic Updates

Written By Marissa Fegan (Super Administrator)

Updated at May 5th, 2022

Scheduled policy-based application scans and automatic updates with VIPRE's Vulnerability and Patch Management.

  1. In the blue left-side menu, under Manage, click on Policies
  2. Select the desired policy by clicking on its name
  3. Under Summary, click on Patching
  4. Click to Enable Application Scanning
    • Enabling this will allow for automatic application updates
  5. If desired, click to Enable Automatic Application Updates
    • Enabling this will allow you to choose which applications to automatically update and to schedule those updates
  6. Under Applications, choose one of the following:
    • All Supported - Automatically updates all supported applications
    • Only These - Automatically updates only the selected applications
    • All Except These - Automatically updates all applications except the ones selected
  7. Under Schedule, you can choose to automatically update the chosen applications at any time or at a specific time using the following parameters:
    • Any week of the month or a specific week of the month
    • Any day of the week or a specific day of the week
    • Any hour of the day or a specific time range during the day
  8. Under Start-up Patching, you can choose to run missed patch updates after the agent device starts up
  9. Under Reboot, you can choose to reboot the agent device only if required by the application or to always reboot the agent device

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