Adjust when Scan History items are deleted

Written By Marissa Fegan (Super Administrator)

Updated at June 2nd, 2020

If you don’t choose an action for items in the Scan History, they will eventually be deleted. In VIPRE's Preferences, you can decide how long Scan History items remain before they're deleted.

Why are Scan History items automatically deleted?

To reduce disk space and keep the history manageable, items in Scan History are removed after a defined amount of time, which you can set in VIPRE's preferences. In VIPRE's preferences, you can decide how long items remain in the Scan History.

Review your Scan History at any time to see items that were detected during manual scans or scheduled scans.

To adjust when Scan History items are deleted

  1. Navigate Preferences > General > Scan History
  2. Next to Delete items after, choose a number of weeks. VIPRE will automatically delete items that have been in the Scan History for this amount of time.