Guided Setup of VIPRE Site Manager

Written By Marissa Fegan (Super Administrator)

Updated at May 29th, 2020

Decision Tree

Activate your Trial of VIPRE Site Manager

Accessing your free trial couldn't be easier. Follow these steps to get started with VIPRE Site Manager today!

Sign Up for the Trial

For simplicity's sake, all VIPRE Site Manager accounts begin with a free, fully-functional trial product. We want you to test drive the product, put it through its paces, and decide whether it's right for you.

If you are an existing VIPRE partner, signing up through our Partner Portal provides some benefits to registration and automatically fills out some of your trial information.

Pick the option that best defines your role with VIPRE

Let's Get Started

Now that you've provisioned a trial of VIPRE Site Manager, you're presented with the follow screen and two suggestions:

If you just can't decide, we recommend creating a site or two. From there, you can navigate into those sites and then deploy some VIPRE agents to protect tenant endpoints.

When you first log into VIPRE Site Manager, it feels a bit empty until you create sites and then deploy agents.

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Add User Accounts

Creating administrator and analyst user accounts allows your team to log in and access the product.

VIPRE Site Manager users may belong to either an admin or analyst role. These roles apply to Site Manager settings only; all users have full admin abilities when they navigate into a customer site.

  • Analyst role – Limited to standard system access at the Site Manager level. This includes management of threats, scans, quarantined items, report views, site overviews, and device screens.
  • Admin role – The Admin role has full access to Site Manager product configuration, as well as user management and can create/edit/delete tenant sites. They can also update the Site Manager site name.

CAUTION: Because VIPRE Site Manager is a site management product, both admins and analysts have full super-admin access to customer sites. You do not have a visible user account on the individual tenant site, but you have full admin access.

Learn how to Manage Users.

User Management Overview Video


Add users

To add users to Site Manager

  1. Select System > Users > Add User
  2. Fill out the user information. A phone number is optional, but may be useful if you need to contact the user quickly
  3. Choose either Admin or Analyst
  4. Select Add User

New users receive an email with login credentials and a "Log in to VIPRE Site Manager" button and link.



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Create Tenant Sites

Adding tenant sites for your customers is a snap and takes just seconds. Follow these steps or watch the handy video to learn how.

Add new Tenant Sites

Creating a site immediately provisions a new VIPRE Endpoint Cloud instance with the customer details you provide. 

To create a new tenant site

  1. From main menu, select Sites
  2. In the top right of the screen, select Create Site
  3. Fill out or select the following items
    • Site Type - Select Endpoint Detection & Response or Endpoint Security Cloud
    • Site Name - This functions as the direct URL to the site
    • Company Name - This is internal, referential information that is designed to make it easier for your organization to manage the customer
    • Billing Contact - This is the person that you would contact if you had an issue with billing for this customer
      • (Optional) Read-only account - Selecting the box next to Create read-only user account for billing contact will create a read-only account intended for customer use; this makes it easier for the customer to track their own resource usage. This is also referred to as the view-only tenant role
    • Type- Select Billed or Trial:
      • Billed creates a standard, billable client site
      • Trial creates a 30-day trial site that customers can use when they are evaluating your service and determining whether they want to commit; see Trial Sites for more information
    • Estimated seats - This is the number of devices that you believe the customer will use. This is just a reminder for your business; the system will not automatically respond to overages. Instead, the estimated seats number can be used for quick reference, and to identify customers who may be utilizing their service more than first anticipated
    • Contract End Date - As above, the Contract End Date is only a reminder — you can later sort by expiration date to find the customers whose contracts you need to start negotiating. By default, this is set to a year in the future for Billed sites and a month out for Trial sites
    • Includes or Add-ons -  When choosing EDR, site creation will show you what it includes; when choosing ESC, add-ons will allow you add the Web Access Control or Patch Management add-ons for an additional cost
    • Monitoring - Site Manager includes optional MDR and MDR Premium 24/7 monitoring and incident response services; the first time you choose one of these options, you'll be contacted by our Services team to schedule the Onboarding process which will get these services up and running
  4. Select Create to add the site to Site Manager

In a few seconds, the customer is automatically added to your list of sites, and you are now able to deploy agents or setup policies. Refer to Related Articles for details on how to deploy agents or set up policies for both EDR and Endpoint Cloud.


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Set up Trials for your Customers

Trial tenant sites are free, 30-day customer sites that are fully functional – and help your customers experience VIPRE before they decide to commit.

Trial sites

Creating a trial tenant site involves the same process as creating a tenant billed site. VIPRE Site Manager has native trial support to make it easier for you to distinguish between billed customers and trial customers. Trial sites are limited to 50 active devices.

In nearly every respect, a trial site functions as a billed site. Trial sites show up on the dashboard and you will be able to see which devices are active, view items in quarantine, and when agents need attention.

Trial sites and upcoming expiration dates are clearly marked.

Learn more about interacting with trial sites

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Automated Notifications

Create rich, detailed email notifications to provide automated, summarized digests about your customer sites and product usage.

Automated Email Notifications

You can set up daily or weekly summaries to track site and device health, ranging from a single site to your entire architecture. Or, track active device usage at your preferred frequency through reports in HTML or CSV format.

Some additional examples:

  • Send your Sales team a weekly summary of just your trial sites Thursdays at 9 AM
  • Set up a CSV report showing usage data across all tenant sites on the first of the month
  • Keep an eye on a single customer with a daily summarized report at 4 PM

VIPRE Site Manager supports both Site Summary (at-a-glance health information) and Usage Summary (customer activity) reporting through email notifications.

Sample formatted Usage Summary CSV file

Setting up recurring CSV reports allows you to import your usage data into other applications such as Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets, and stylize them as you wish.

VIPRE Cloud Alert Notifications

Of course, you can also set up email alert notifications for threats from each VIPRE Cloud site. See the following VIPRE Cloud articles:

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Check your Usage Data

The Usage screen provides a billing-oriented look at active devices for customer sites over time.

From the main panel, select Usage

The Usage screen defaults to the Billed Sites selection. Review the site summary numbers at the top of the screen; we have Total Sites, Number of Active Sites, and the Peak Count. Compare this information to the site data inventory on the Sites screen. 

Sites are active when they have 1 or more devices protected by VIPRE. 

Adjust the current view’s statement period by selecting a different month in the top right of the screen.

The ‘totals’ displayed at the top of the screen give you a quick heads-up on the proportion of your active users to inactive customers. The number of peak active devices is the total active deployments billed across all your tenant sites.

Daily Active Devices shows peak active device totals per day.

Select a vertical peak date

Selecting a peak date here filters the information below, allowing you to view a specific day’s device use by site.

By default, All Billed Sites shows the site name, Estimated Seats, peak usage and a small trend graph.

Estimated Seats is the number of client seats manually entered when creating the site. It is not calculated in any way for billing. So, if the number of current peak usage continues to lag behind the estimated seats, it could be time for you to step in and offer remedial services.

Also, note that the peak active devices at the top of this page is the sum of all devices in the Peak column.

Select a site from the list

This opens an individual view of the customer’s daily active devices. Select a report date range by clicking on the current default date next to Statement Period. The Estimated Seats and expiration data are repeated for quick reference.

In the upper right, select the Actions button

Here, you can choose Go to site to navigate into the customer site.

You could use the site analytics to assist and advise the customer. Bringing more devices on line, for example, could help insulate the customer from existing threat—as well as provide an up-sale opportunity for you.

In the Usage screen, select Trial Sites

This feature tracks trial sites in much the same way as billed sites. 

Select the site name an active trial

An individual site data window opens. The estimate seats number and the site expiration date also appear beneath the statement period.

Select the Actions button on the upper right of the window

The dropdown menu enables you to navigate into the customer's trial site.

You could, for example, use the site analytics to alert the customer that the trial period is about to expire AND how VIPRE Cloud has helped insulate them from existing threats during the trial period.