Release Notes for VIPRE Cloud Agent - Dec 19, 2023

Written By Marissa Fegan (Super Administrator)

Updated at December 28th, 2023

Product release information for VIPRE Cloud Agent Custom Build version 13.1.8521, released on December 19, 2023.

What's New

We are releasing a custom build of the VIPRE Cloud Agent to address an issue causing Malicious URL Blocking for HTTPS to create two VIPRE URL Inspector processes that were not closing on their own.

If you were instructed to disable Malicious URL Blocking for HTTPS in your policy as a temporary workaround to this issue, you can re-enable it once you've deployed this custom agent build. 

Special Instructions

Custom Build Codes

With VIPRE-provided custom build codes, you can access VIPRE Cloud Agent releases that are not generally available. We may make these builds available to fix specific customer issues or for early access to builds planned for GA release but not yet released. 

Custom agent builds may either be released under General Availability (GA), or the fixes within them could be incorporated into another GA release. Once this happens, the custom build will no longer be relevant. Depending on the policy's Auto-approve and Auto-deploy settings, the new GA release may automatically be deployed to your endpoints. Refer to Related Articles for details on managing your agent software updates.

If you are experiencing an issue with your existing agents or want to test a pre-release agent, review the list of available custom builds here to see if one of them might fix your issue.


2024 December 09: Our latest agent has been released and is now generally available. Release Notes can be found here.



Currently Available Custom Builds

Build Custom Build Code Description





System Requirements

Click here to review the most recent VIPRE System Requirements.


Bugs Fixed in this Release

  • VPBAGENT-41620: A combination of Domain Exclusions was causing Malicious URL Blocking for HTTPS to produce two VIPRE URL Inspectors per lookup but was not automatically closing them.