Release Notes for SafeSend - 2024 Mar 26

Written By Marissa Fegan (Super Administrator)

Updated at February 24th, 2025

Product release information for SafeSend version 5.4, released on 2024 March 26.

What's New

We are pleased to introduce SafeSend version 5.4 – an iterative release strategically crafted to bridge the gap between our previous 5.3 release and the forthcoming 6.0 product revamp. With 5.4, we're delivering a comprehensive amalgamation of fixes, feature enhancements, general improvements, and reconciliations of PC/Web add-in functionalities. Notably, this version responds directly to the requests of our valued customers, who seek to further expand the SafeSend footprint within their businesses.

VIPRE Recommends

Keeping all software in your environment as up-to-date as possible is critical. New software releases often fix issues with older product versions that, unless addressed, could leave you vulnerable. As such, VIPRE recommends updating to the most recent version as soon as possible.

Check the current status of older product versions on the VIPRE Product Lifecycle Matrix to learn when support for specific product versions may end.


Choose your add-in type below to learn more about the most recent version of SafeSend.

Download the latest version of SafeSend

Web Add-in

New Settings

  • PopupForBccWarning: Displays the SafeSend confirmation dialog when the following conditions are met: other popup settings are false, the BCCWarningIfMoreThanX_TOCC_Recipients setting is configured, and the recipients are greater than the value configured here; enabled by default; can be found under Advanced
  • PopupForMaxNrRecipients: If there are multiple external domains, but the MaxNrRecipients is exceeded with all PopupFor* settings disabled, the PopupForMaxNrRecipients will trigger a confirmation prompt when set to TRUE; enabled by default; can be found under Advanced
  • TreatExternalExchangeDLAsUnsafe: Considers a recipient unsafe if Microsoft Exchange reports the recipient is a distribution list with external recipients; enabled by default; can be found under Advanced
  • HideDLPResultsFromLogging: Hides DLP results from logs since they may contain sensitive data; enabled by default
  • HttpCacheMaxAge: Specifies (in seconds) the duration that some http responses will be cached in the Outlook client; increasing this time can reduce server load, but can also increase the time it takes for setting changes and updates to apply; set to 0 by default
    • Note: Having the HttpCacheMaxAge set to 0 is the behavior of previous SafeSend versions
  • AppTenantID: A new required setting in the Microsoft Graph API set up as part of a SafeSend health check; you can check the health of your app in Azure under Overview at the top of the screen; health is determined based on whether the following settings are configured appropriately:
    • AppID
    • AppCertificateThumbprint
    • AppSecret
    • AppTenantID

Other New Features

  • Recipient Removal allows you to remove external recipients directly from the SafeSend confirmation window for messages and events
    • If using Outlook 365, Groups that are listed as external recipients can be removed/re-added from the SafeSend confirmation window; Contact Groups are not included and cannot be removed from the SafeSend confirmation window
    • If using Microsoft Exchange, Distribution Lists/Groups that are listed as external recipients can be removed/re-added from the SafeSend confirmation window; Contact Lists that are listed as external recipients are not included and cannot be removed from the SafeSend confirmation window
    • DLNamesasExternal and DLNamesAsUnsafe must both be configured
  • Attachment Removal allows for attachments listed in the SafeSend popup dialog to be removed when sending a message


Due to a limitation outside of our control, the Attachment Removal feature does not work in the following environments:

  • Microsoft Exchange in any browser
  • Outlook for Mac (Microsoft365 account)
  • SafeSend now creates logs of the user of the email client instead of the local server user
  • The size of attachments is now displayed next to the attachment name in the confirmation dialog box when SafeSend knows the attachment size
  • ARRAffinity Detection is now supported, allowing SafeSend to warn administrators when ARRAffinity is disabled when using Microsoft Azure
  • New URL for SafeSend’s landing page located at <YourSafeSendURL>\status

PC Add-in

New Settings & Strings

  • PopupForBccWarning: Displays the SafeSend confirmation dialog when the following conditions are met: other popup settings are false, the BCCWarningIfMoreThanX_TOCC_Recipients setting is configured, and the recipients are greater than the value configured here; enabled by default; can be found under Advanced
  • PopupForMaxNrRecipients: If there are multiple external domains, but the MaxNrRecipients is exceeded with all PopupFor* settings disabled, the PopupForMaxNrRecipients will trigger a confirmation prompt when set to TRUE; enabled by default; can be found under Advanced
  • TreatExternalExchangeDLAsUnsafe: Considers a recipient unsafe if Microsoft Exchange reports the recipient is a distribution list with external recipients; enabled by default; can be found under Advanced
  • EmailThreadHistory: Supports users sending emails in the same email thread across multiple computers; specifies the path to store the email thread history (this should be a shared folder if using multiple instances of Outlook); disabled by default; can be found under Advanced
    • OnlyPopupForNewEmailThreads must also be enabled/set to TRUE
  • HideDLPResultsFromLogging: Hides DLP results from logs since it may contain sensitive data; enabled by default
  • ProcessThirdPartyAttachments: When enabled/set to true, it displays a new string named ‘StringProcessThirdPartyopening’ saying "Processing third-party attachments"

Other New Features

  • SafeSend now creates logs of the user of the email client instead of the local server user
  • The size of attachments is now displayed next to the attachment name in the confirmation dialog box when SafeSend knows the attachment size
  • Localization is now embedded in the SafeSend PC add-in MSI 
    • When UseLocalizedLanguage is set to TRUE, and LocalizationXlsxPath is a local path, the SafeSend PC add-in will:
      • Warn administrators to edit strings in localization.xlsx
      • Embed localization.xlsx in MSI when storing settings
      • Extract localization.xlsx from MSI to LocalizationXlsxPath(appdata) when installing SafeSend PC add-in
      • Change LocalizationXlsxPath to app data location when extracting from MSI if .xlsx is also embedded




Special Instructions

Updating SafeSend

Use these instructions to help you update to the latest version of SafeSend.

Download the latest version of SafeSend

PC Add-in


When upgrading from version 4.4, your admin password and customized logo will need to be reset.



  1. Download the latest version of the SafeSend PC add-in above
  2. Customize as desired and store settings by creating a custom MSI installer
    • Refer to Related Articles for direct links to other processes pertinent to the one detailed in this article.
  3. Choose the desired existing endpoints and run the installer or deploy via GPO over your existing, older version of SafeSend
    • Existing licenses and settings will be carried over automatically

The latest version of SafeSend PC add-in is now deployed.



Web Add-in

The instructions below were written as a general guide for the .NET CORE 6.0 capable web server of your choice.

  1. Create a new server with the latest version of SafeSend in the host of your choice
  2. Copy settings to the new version:
    1. If using Azure:
      1. On the source/old SafeSend App Service, click Configuration->Application Settings->Advanced Edit
      2. Select all json text and copy
      3. On the destination/new SafeSend App Service, click Configuration->Application Settings->Advanced Edit
      4. Select all json text and paste the previously copied text in its place
      5. Click OK
      6. Click Save  
    2. If you've configured using settings.json:
      1. Open your existing settings.json file and open the newest version of the settings.json file for comparison
        1. You can open both in any text editor, placing the two documents side-by-side, or...
        2. You can open both files in a text compare tool, which will highlight the differences
      2. Copy your existing configuration over to the new settings.json, setting by setting
        • This may seem tedious, but it allows you to keep your existing configuration without losing all of the new settings/features within the updated settings.json file
  3. Side load or deploy to your test users, then verify the latest version of SafeSend is working by navigating to <yourWebURLhere>/manifest
    • Make sure that you remove the old manifest for the test users first, otherwise, you could get double-prompted
    • To enable debug mode within your web client, you'll need to use /manifestlog instead; visit Web Add-in: Debug Mode for full details
  4. Once you're satisfied with your test deployment, remove the previous version of Safesend for everyone else
    1. If you’re using Exchange Server, deploy the latest version as desired
    2. If you’re using Exchange Online, update your existing web add-in manifest.xml with the manifest file you tested with above in Step 4
      1. Please note, if you get an ID mismatch error, update the ID tag in the manifest.xml file before attempting to upgrade SafeSend again
      2. Once SafeSend is updated in Exchange Online, it could take up to 12 hours to propagate; the logs of the old version should be checked before shutting down the server to verify that there are no clients still using the old version

The SafeSend Web add-in has successfully been updated. 




System Requirements

Click here for the VIPRE SafeSend System Requirements.

Bugs Fixed in this Release

  • SAFE-1448 - In both the PC and Web add-ins, the “From” address was incorrect when sending an email from a different email address than the default
  • SAFE-1461 - When using Outlook for Mac, the manifestlog was not being downloaded from the VIPRESafeSend page

Known Issues

Ticket Description
SAFE-1600 (Web Add-in)

When editing a Calendar event, or clicking Reply All to a Calendar event, any distribution lists are not listed in SafeSend confirmation dialog.


There is currently no workaround. 

SAFE-1601 (Web Add-in)

SafeSend setting TreatExternalExchangeDLAsUnsafe does not work with Microsoft Exchange Server.


There is currently no workaround. 

Issues from Previous Versions of SafeSend

SAFE-1408 (Web Add-in)

Embedded images are not displayed in Outlook for Windows when the SS_MarkEmbeddedImagesAsAttachments setting is enabled


There is currently no workaround. 

SAFE-1287 (Web Add-in)

When replying to an email from the side reading pane in Outlook, the text of a nested message will not be scanned by the DLP add-on


There is currently no workaround. 

SAFE-808 (Web Add-in)

When StringMainMessage in Exchange/OWA is too long, it can take up the whole SafeSend confirmation dialog box and sometimes cause the page to be unresponsive


Workaround: Keep your string as short as possible; it’s recommended to not use more than 140 characters (including spaces); it’s also important to ensure your browser window is maximized

SAFE-757 (Web Add-in) An event is created on the organizer's calendar when clicking Send on the Outlook event in Microsoft365, then clicking Cancel from the SafeSend confirmation dialog box.

Workaround: Manually cancel the Outlook event. 
SAFE-929 (Web Add-in)

Adding a new embedded image when using Reply, Reply All, or Forward causes any previously embedded image to disappear from the confirmation dialog box


Workaround: Confirm that your Drafted email is what you want to send and ignore the list in the confirmation dialog box